Chapter 26

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3rd Pov

After a while, Michiya was laying down on the couch and turn on the TV and he sigh before switching the Pokemon Showcase into Pokemon Battle.

His eyes widened when he realized the Kanto Champion, Ash, had the same feature to Shouko, his hair color and eyes were same except he had dark grey.

Shouko - "Michiya! What're you watching--." She was cut off when she realized that the Kanto Champion, copied her hair color and eye color.

Shouko - "What the heck is this? Why's that guy hair and eye are same as mine?" She angrily said and she crack her knuckles.

Michiya - "Woah, woah! Calm down! We'll talk to him during our trip to Kanto!" He said before she grab the remote control, closing the TV as she grab his shirt and drag him to her room.

She opened her door and toss Michiya on the bed, he grunted as she pinned him on the bed, he blush furiously and she smirk evily.

Shouko - "Why's that? You want to find another girl to attract you while I'm just gonna sit here and wait for you to come back? Nah, I'm going to make you mine."

Michiya - 'OH CRAP! OH CRAP!'

Bakuzan - "Oi, Half & Half Bastard! Where is Kadiri--." Bakuzan was immediately cut off when he kick open the door and stare at Shouko and Michiya.

Bakuzan - "F&$k it. I'm out." He said before slamming the door closed.

Michiya - "W-Wait! Bakuzan, help me!"

Bakuzan - "THEN JUST LET HER F&$K YOU LIKE A DAMN SLUT!" He shouted angrily before they heard him stomping away.

Shouko - "Well, then, shall we continue~?" She seducing said as she took off her jacket, revealing her grey t-shirt.

Michiya - "N-N-No please, we're still young!"

Shouko -  "Who care? I just want to make you mine."

Shadow - "Shouko? Eraser needs you at the meeting room." Shadow said across the door which Shouko pounted her cheeks, disappointed.

Shouko - "Fine, fine! Just tell him that I'll be there!" She replied back before Shadow walks away.

Shouko - "Damn it... I couldn't even have my fun." She whined as she wears back her jacket and she got off of him.

Michiya - 'Whew... Thank you, Shadow. You save my life again...' Michiya thought as Shouko lean over his cheek and peak her lips on it.

Shouko - "Bye, suger!" She said before walking out of the room, leaving a blushing Michiya.

Meanwhile, Ash sigh quietly, he realized he was copying someone's looks, after some research on the internet, he discovered that a girl name Shouko send him a message.

Dear Kanto Champion.

You damn asshole. You copied my looks, I am very angry, I was born with this ever since I'm a kid. I want you to change back into your red eyes and black hair, I don't want to see you copying my looks. If you don't change it then I swear to God that I'll completely come over to your place and incinerate you with blazing fire. Oh, by the way, even though you're the Chosen One, you're power level is the same as the original Rayquaza. But me? Heh, I'm not going to answer that.

Cya later, sucker.

From Shouko.



PSSS: Agree? Good, farewell, Ass.

He was literally shivering in fear as she knows that she was a very beautiful teen when he searched up her name. According to the website, she is the member of The Alphader. A secret group of hero that sometimes saved the world from any evil syndicates. The strongest was a guy called Michiya, he had superhuman strength, speed, agility, maneuverability, reflexes and durability. His powers was so darn powerful that he could literally destroy a country in just a few hours, that literally puts him into shame.

The second strongest is Bakuzan, the third strongest is Shouko.

Ash - 'She's right, according to the page, she could freeze an entire forest in a minute with her cyrokinesis power, not to mention her pyrokinesis. Her ice and fire manipulation is way more greater than mine.' He thought as he went to a hair store, likely to buy hair colouring.

After a while, he text Sasha to come to the bathroom to change his hair, she did as she began to apply black hair color on his hair, after that, she apply dark red streaks on his black hair, Ash change his eye color into red color.

Sasha - "Okay, now's my turn."

Ash - "...?"

Sasha - "I want to change my hair and eye so help me out." She said and took out a dark purple hair coloring and purple eye coloring.

Ash - "......?" Sasha nodded as Ash nodded back, he did all that as Sasha now have dark purple hair that still that her hairstyle and purple eyes.

Sasha - "Thanks a lot, Ash." She thanked before they step out of the bathroom.

Sasha - "Also... Aren't you supposed to take Cynthia for dinner?"

Ash - 'Shit... I forgot.'

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