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Upon awakening, Jiu's body felt a wave of goosebumps overcome her. Moving her hair out of her face and adjusting her eyes to where she now was, she smiled bitterly at the dream she had and the reality.

She had dreamt of her brother's death and yet, she still felt some sort of peace. Looking down at the arms that were wrapped about her waist, she interlaced her hand into his and soon kissed it before realizing that something was wrong.

The hand that she had once held fell back just as a dead man's would. Chills running through her body, now due to fear, she began to get flashbacks from the night she saw him before they were separated.

His wound seemed to be very painful. Blood was pouring out of his body just as water would come out of a pitcher when poured. Taking hold of his body, she tried to be strong for the both of them. "Oh my gosh. Please don't leave me.." She cried, but he had only responded back with a groan.
"Jiu.. I'm sorry."

Coming back to reality, her words echoed throughout her head. "Don't leave me." She had begged him despite knowing that if he did leave her that it would not be his fault. But this time was different. The chilling feeling she got as she made her decision to check on him was enough to make her heart crumble up into little pieces of nothingness.
Yet, she still found the strength to go through with it.

Turning towards the man that lay besuse her - her precious, beloved Min Yoongi - she set eyes on the body that appeared to be still sleeping. Yet, she knew that he wasn't.

In her denial, she saw fit to touch his face just to be sure that he was gone. But even that couldn't convince her of the truth.

"Min..?" She sniffed as she ran her fingers along his slightly cooled face. He wasn't warm like he usually was. Not that he was cold, but he was most definitely dead.

Crying, she grabbed his face with both hands and tried shaking him, but it worked to no avail. "Please wake up." She cried. "You can't leave me, you promised!" Sitting up, she wiped her eyes before bawling herself back into his arms. "You said that once we go away, you would take care of me. You promised that it would be just us forever."

Her heart worn and heavy, his beloved heartbroken and tired Jiu fell asleep with the throbbing pain in her head and her heart.

Soon, she had awakened from a nightmare but couldn't recall anything. Checking her surroundings, she caught sight of the dead man in front of her. Aware that he hadn't been breathing, she quickly jumped up, her hand flying to her mouth in horror as if it were her first time seeing this man like this.

Throwing on some clothes and stealing his jacket, cigarettes and wallet, she jetted out of the room.

Heading down the stairs, and toward the door, her eyes caught sight of a picture. A picture with seven guys in it - one of them being the man upstairs. Though she could remember nothing of him, she listened to her heart when it told her to take it with her as well as the photo of just him by himself. But then she looked again and found that he actually hadn't been alone, but that a girl was with him..

A girl with her face, hair and smile. Tears welled up, for no logical reason to her, as she put all the other photos down and took that one instead. She consciously had no idea as to why she wanted to keep this photo of a guy who apparently was not a stranger, but was still strange. She didn't think twice as she walked out the door and back into the world that tore them apart in the first place.


"What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it." ~ Gabriel García Márquez

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