Hard Heart

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The knocking persisted just as if the memory of the night they fell out kept going. With a blink, he was rattled back into reality. With a sigh of realization of who it could be been, he hung his head for a moment before getting up to walk toward a the kitchen.

"Hey.. You're not going to answer that?" She questioned as he was walking away. Grabbing a cup from the cupboard, he replied without a hint of emotion.
"Stating the obvious is not at all appreciated here."
"But why? Shouldn't you go to at least see who it is?" Raising the glass to his lips, he paused to answer.
"I already know who it is.."
"How can you?"
"Only one person ever comes to visit me. And I, for one, am currently not in the right state of mind to put up with his shit."

The sound of the ice kissing the glass as the harsh liquid rushed down his throat was all to be heard. After a moment of standing in silence, he turned his attention toward the door.

Nothing moved.

Not even a hair.

But somehow, he knew that he was there..

Sighing to himself, he turned his eyes to her before walking past her. "I'll be back in in a little bit. Stay inside and don't make any noise." Pausing at the door, he chuckled lightly, "I guess it'd be better if you'd just go to sleep."

Turning the knob quickly, he waited a few seconds before opening the door to step outside.


"What?" He grumbled after a long period of silence with no eye contact.
"H-how is she?"
"She's fine. Why are you here?"
"I just wanted to check on you both.. You know I haven't heard from you in a while.."
"You mean you haven't heard of me in a while.."
"Bottom line is.. You've been off the radar and I just wanted to make sure that.." He paused, struggling to say the words he wanted so desperately not to happen. "That you..-"

Looking down at the illuminated street, he sadly nodded. "Yeah.. I guess that would be the right word for it.."
"What is your point?"
"I just.. I guess I just wanna know why.." He tilted his head, waiting patiently for his answer. "Why you stopped.."
"The killing?"
"Yeah.." He smiled in relief. "I had this crazy idea in my head that you might've stopped because what you wanted finally caught up with you and it scared me. But then, on my way here, it occurred to me that she was here." His eyes caught hold of his attention. "And I know that there's no way that you could ever leave her again.."

The air stiffened. One could feel the intense energy surrounding their bodies and for once, he was scared of him. They stood still as Officer Jeon's eyes unintentionally screamed of fear while the one he once called his best friend had been looking at him with the eyes that of The Killer of Daegu.

Those dark,



And unreadable eyes were scary to Jungkook.

"Don't worry." He started. "I could never kill you." Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out the box full of his old friends and slowly began to burn them. Indulging in the scent of sweet nicotine that he hoped would kill him faster than they had slowly been.

"Nice to know.." He remarked with hints of sarcasm in his eyes. "But listen, I'm your best friend too. I was once in that gang with you. And now, I am with where we both should have been. And you can still be it.. 'Cause no one else knows it's you.. As of now, your slate is clean because all they know is the Daegu Killer. But-"
"The world is just blind to true justice.. Heroes in real life don't get rewarded. Just tossed aside for doing their way of justice or placed with limitations. Like you."

"Cops have limitations on their field of work, but that's for the protection of the citizens. But where's the protection for us? We are at fault for everything that goes wrong in this city. And so, we protect and stand up for each other like brothers; and right now, I'm doing the same for you. Yes, murder most definitely is a crime we do not stand for but we would get nowhere and the people would be afraid of us if we all just went around killing the ones accused of wrongdoings."

"And what about self defense? There's a bunch of loop holes there. And my case with the girl. I saw trouble and was just trying to protect her. But she was ungrateful. That's the only reason why you're here right now." He scoffed as he took another smoke. "How is it that you're the hero when I'm constantly out here doing your job? It's pathetic."

"No. What you do is not within accordance to the law. Besides, how could you insult a system that you once wanted to be in?"
"Once." He sighed in defeat at his lost friend.
"I just need you not to threaten me."
"That wasn't a threat." He took in another puff. "I don't make threats."

Silence, since then, had been his only other friend, but now they had company. Company that absolutely could not be ignored..

"I saw Taehyung tonight.." He paused. "He says he saw you." The cigarette's pungent odor blew about them. "Even if you never consider me to be a friend again, I'm at least glad that you have let him back into your life."
"The bridge to that world had already been broken beyond repair." The smoke selfishly filled his lungs. "I just crossed his path while in deep thought." His shoulders slumped. It hurt to see him this way: So bitter and unforgiving.

It felt as if he were talking to a breathing corpse..

A corpse that had possessed his best friend..

A corpse that trapped the real one, true personality of the friend that he had come to know which saved his life.

I think that that was the day you became a corpse..

The day I almost died..

Was also the day you lost your will to live..

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