Unidentified: Case A

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Leaving the scene, he stopped to speak to her. "Don't you ever keep me up like that again." Wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, he lightly chuckled. "And don't worry. I know you won't remember. You'll wake up to a full list of things when you wake up tomorrow morning." His feet turning to allow his back to intimidate her as the sounds of the screaming stairs proceeded him.

Once upstairs, the door closed behind him. With a sigh, he pulled out the one thing he never thought he'd pull out again in years..

Flipping through it, he came to a narrowed down conclusion. But he just needed to be sure.


The following day, he heard the everlasting annoyance of pounding on the door of his room. Getting up, he waited. He waited and he kept waiting for that unannounced opportunity to give her the look. And after a while, it happened.

"Take this, put it in a place you'll remember everyday and get out." Slamming the door in her face, he went back to retreat on his bed with failure floating behind him. His eyes, burning. The light, piercing. Yet, this was the time that he had chose to sleep.

At nightfall, he found himself regaining the energy he needed to finish his work from the night before. Not long after, he heard the pestering knocks of wood on his door again. Without answering, the knob turned before slowly opening. He paid no mind to the body that was slipping through the door and slowly making its way to the bed where all his work had been settled on.

A moment of silence had passed until, "What's that?"
"A project." He said as he closed the book. "I need a drink." Trudging down the stairs, the book in hand, he headed towards the kitchen. Preparing the drink and propping open the book once more, he thought to himself.

"What type of amnesia do you have?"
"What type of amnesia do you have?" She hesitated, twittling her fingers with the cloth of her nightgown.
"I-I don't know.." He nodded. "Why?"
"If I can figure out what type of amnesia you have, then I can figure out what type of benefits you might hold for me."
"So what is that?  A book of mental disorders?"
"Something like that." She walked over to where he was, peering at the book before being pushed away.
"Please, don't ever get that close to me again without my permission. I don't like people being in my personal space when unwanted."
"You're a jerk."
"Thank you." He replied dryly with no change in expression. "From here, it seems that you could only have one of these things. I just need to know if you remember what caused it."
"What caused what?"
"Your amnesia.
"I don't know.."

"Do you have a scar, a head injury or reoccurring nightmares?" She touched her head.
"Do you remember where you came from or who you are?"
"I remember my name."
"My name is-."
"I don't want to know."
"Why not?"
"Because then you will want my name and I know that everything will be a lot better if you just didn't know my name." She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"So you just expect me to stay in this house with you, a total stranger?"
"You've already been doing it for the past few days. If not been for your amnesia, you would no longer consider me a stranger."
"What does that mean?" She seemed alarmed. "What have you done with me?"
"I have done nothing with you. You are too unclean to try. If you remember where you live, please let me know so that we can go get you some more clothes." He stated before calmly walking away with the book. Pausing, he stopped to turn around. "Come with me."

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