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Day turned into night,
Night turned into day.

The days following the talk with Jimin seemed artificial because of the way they flew by as if nothing ever happened.

Taehyung no longer came to class; it was just V in his place. They didn't speak. Except for in the moments when they would communicate to each other through head nods about the meeting that night, there was no communication whatsoever between them. And as the days went on, Taehyung slowly began to no longer show any signs of sadness, but a cold-hearted V..

And without acknowledging it, they soon became the same:



And bitter..

Yet, at the same time, they became so different;

V seemed to be having no problems replacing Agust D with the spiteful, hating Hobi on the other side of the flame - just as he had done by replacing him with U.G. - soon became engulfed in becoming more like the one he had been hanging out with

And that went for both of them..

"Hey.. Why don't you just go patch things up with V?" Instead of a response, he chugged the hard liquor in the cup for the first time.
"Whoah. Slow down, man. You've gotta remember that you're a first-timer." Namjoon teased, refilling his cup.
"You guys aren't doing okay and the operation's coming up. You need to work this out."
"Everything's fine, U.G. Chill out."
"No, it's not. You're drinking. You don't drink, remember?"
"It's never too late to start." He said as he took another sip of the drink.
"Listen. If you fuck this up, everyone's gonna be on our asses."
"Fine by me. And it's not your ass, it's mine."
"Stop!" She demanded, taking the cup away. "V, are you really going to just let your friend drag himself into the ground?"

Taehyung was about to respond when Hoseok's hand silenced him. Looking back at the new comrade, V was soon determined to stand his ground. "What? Do you just expect me to get down on my hands and knees and beg him to fuck me? No. He doesn't need any friends. I'm done being his bitch. If we need him, he'll comply. But if he wants to fuck off in his zone, then let him. Who am I to stop him?"
"You're his friend!"
"Am I?" He hollered. "Am I really?" The place was silent and all eyes were on V. "Why don't you just ask that guy over there who I really am to him? Matter of fact," He turned on his heel and began approaching him. "Hey! What am I to you? We're not friends, right? Because if this is how you treat your friends, I want no part of it."

"Fuck off."

"Fuck off."
"You know what, fuck you man." Angrily, he stomped back over to his side of the fire where U.G. stood astounded at what just happened. "Now you have your answer. Now leave us the fuck alone."

"Cool it, V." Hoseok hissed.

"Everyone, leave. We will be ending early tonight. V, D, take separate cars."
"Nevermind that, I'll just walk." Gulping the last bit of alcohol, he wobbled to stand up. Falling back onto the ground, his back hitting the log they had been sitting on, some of the other members cringed.

Soon, an eerie laugh filled the room. Slowly, all heads turned towards the maniac that had been laughing. His hand upon the one with a worried look of horror on his face that he had been mentoring; And that maliciously haunting smile illuminated by the fire only made things worst when he said, "I bet he's definitely going to be feeling that in the morning.. God, I wish I could see it." His smile immediately dropped as he mumbled,

"You fucking traitor."

"You'll never be a brother of mine.." he finished the sentence that everyone had heard in his head.

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