Bittersweet Poision

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His eyes revealed themselves to the world once more as the sun began to go down.

I can't tell her..

He fought with himself. With a sigh, he sat up, looking into the mirror.

I need a drink..

Disregarding what possibilities could occur while out, he slipped on his attire and slipped out the door unnoticed, undetected by the woman that lay there on the couch; half exposed to the world. He ignored the moans that grabbed his attention. The pleads that began to sound so familiar from that night filled his head, which made him determined to go get a drink even more.

Regardless of consequences..

Unaware of his surroundings, he passed up a familiar stranger resting on the side of the road. His feet carried him all the way there, ignoring the pain of the cold and the pain in his feet from how heavy he had been walking.

All he wanted..

               was a drink..


The pub had been extra quiet tonight, yet he could care less. Sliding the money on the table, the bartender uttered not a word. The pub seemed to be n edge, as if they had all been waiting on him to come and dared not move until he was finished with his drink.

Drink after drink,

He seemed to be cutting it close with his budget. Soon, the bartender grabbed him by the wrist with an exchange of concern for annoyance.

Their eyes, alone, had a full blown conversation.

'Care to say why your hand is on me?'
'You're cutting it close. Do you have enough money and tolerance for this?'

With furrowed eyebrows, he threw down some more money on the table.

"If I didn't have the money, I wouldn't fucking pay you."
"Nor would you even come here."
"On the contrary. You've neglected to remember how I overpay. I keep track. Trust me." With a huff, the bartender set down the glass with light fury, filling it once more with the poisonous liquor.
"Just remember my policy.. You get drunk, I throw you out."
"I hope I do." Taking a gulp of the fresh poison, "Perhaps even get alcohol poisoning.." he finished.


His slightly tamed frame made it's way back to the house where she had been up waiting for him. "Are you the-?"
"Shhhhh. Don't start with that bullshit again.." Closing the door, he took a deep breath. "Just.. Shut the hell up for the night. Please.." Sliding down the door, he allowed himself to rest for a moment.


"This is Hoseok. He's my right hand man." Hoseok nodded at him. "And this is his little sister, J-."
"What's your name?" She questioned.
"His name is not important right now. What's more important is that we know where he's from." Namjoon's eyes traced back over to his. With a sigh, he answered.

"Ah.. I've heard of boys coming from that city. You must be a rare one. They are said to have hard faces and be indifferent to pain. But you don't seem like that type of guy. You seem more like a bag of sugar that's been sitting out for a long time."
"Don't get too smitten with him, Namjoon." She laughed.
"Smitten is not the word. Though, how could you not be captivated by this pile of sugar?" A chuckle came in response from Hoseok.

"I bet he'll taste just as sweet too if we cut him."
"And I bet you'll be just as grateful for choosing not to touch me."
"What? Is that a threat?"

"Boys, boys. Relax." Namjoon smiled. "It seems as if our bag of sugar has a bad impression of our gang. Let's all be on our best behavior to ensure that he does NOT get the wrong idea. Do I make myself clear?" His eyes cutting daggers into Hoseok's. "Now, listen here. Your resting bitch face may work when trying to intimidate others, but let me tell you something..

It will never EVER work on Me." Unphased by the potential threat, he saw fit to just keep staring right back at him, causing Namjoon to laugh once more. "You're a bold one. So how about this: Your name will be Suga. We'll just have to drop the R. You know what I mean, right, Suga?" His voice stern. "Good."


And so, the bad blood began..

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