Memoirs of the Dead

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As he sat there, waiting -

Waiting for him to wake up.

Waiting for a miracle and an excuse to not tell him the heavy burden laiden on his heart,

- he sighed a sigh of great grief.

I need you to wake up..

I can't lose you both..

Fog clouded his sight as the room suddenly got hot and stuffy. It was at this moment that he knew he couldn't give up.

Wiping the clouds dry with his hands, he laid back in his seat thinking to himself.

Thinking back to a pleasant memory..


The night had been warm. Jungkook had been hesitating and conflicted to talk to him when the lights soon illuminated the yard in which he stood. In return, he illuminated the faces in the car with a smile.

Running up to open the car door, he got in.

"Geez. Took you long enough. I had to honk the horn just to get you to stop standing there frozen with that stupid grin." He chuckled at the boy's response.
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm just happy to see you both."
"You really don't seem to have any friends outside of Bangtan, do you?"
"No, I.. I don't.."
"Jimin, why do you always have to be an asshole?"
"Says the fellow asahole.."
"Just fucking drive you asshole." Grinning to himself, Jimin pulled out of the driveway and off they went.

Sitting in the backseat, Jungkook was lost in his thoughts - the thoughts that caused him to lose himself in this golden moment.

"Hey, why are you so quiet back there?" Jimin questioned.
"I.. I was just.. Thinking.."
"About what? Spit it out."
"I don't think I'm supposed to.." He and Jimin exchanged looks.
"It's that gang, isn't it?" Jungkook froze. What would he know? He wasn't even in the group anyway.. "Did they say something to you?"
"I.. No.."

'More like overheard them..' He thought to himself.

"Jimin. Leave the boy alone."
"Fine." He spat. "We're almost there anyway." With a look of utter disgust and displeasure, Jimin allowed silence to take over the car with the most unwelcome aura that filled the air. Everyone felt that the slightest movement could tear it up, so no one said anything.

Once arrived, the three boys popped the trunk and got to work.

"Don't set my car on fire. That's all I'm saying."
"What about your hair?"
"You little-! COME HERE!" And just like that, He watched with a grin from the car as Jimin chased Jungkook about the land.

The night had turned even darker by the time Jimin had tired of chasing Jungkook as he had been laughing hysterically at the heaving boy.

"Geez. For a smart, rich boy, you sure are out of shape."
"Just you.. Wait.. When I.. Get.. Up.. I'll.. I'll kick your ass.." With an even wider grin, Jungkook lowered himself to the boy's ear and whispered,
"But you gotta catch me first."
"You little-!" Jungkook ran off, laughing before Jimin could even touch him.

The boys all ended up letting loose that day and a new bond strengthened.

When all had calmed down, Jimin began eyeing Jungkook inquisitively.

"Why don't you have any friends? I mean, you've just gotta have someone. Even there's family." The once delightful boy soon dulled down a bit as he prepared to answer.
"I've never had any friends.. Not until I joined Bangtan.."
"What about family?"
"I-.. No.." His eyes replied with a dark answer of their own, but Jimin still persisted.
"Bangtan has been my only friends and they are worth more than a family ever will.." He said bitterly as he gulped down his drink, silencing the other two.
"Did they-?"
"Jimin, stop."
"I'm fine. I just don't like talking about what's not there, that's all."

Even the silence felt eerily odd as it entered their circle. Looking for another excuse, Jungkook suddenly regained his bright smile as he pointed toward the fireworks Jimin had brought.

"The sun is about to come up, so we should really burn those."

With a nod, the boys each took a stick, running around teasing and chasing each other.

It had been the second best day of Jungkook's life.

Second, because it was the day that Bangtan found him, giving him hope, that was labeled in his mind as the best day ever.


Eyes closed, his heart ached as he thought of 'him'.

Gone.. Gone..
They're all going gone!

Sniffling, he grabbed the hand of his best friend, pleading in his heart to come back.

"Please.. Please don't go.. I can't lose you too.."

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