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Walking back into the house, he paused behind the closed door. Eyes glued to the floor, listening for a single hint of movement within the house, following the sound of a car.

"Who are you?"
"You don't know me. But you're going to.. Even though I know that even after I tell you, you'll just forget all about who I am."

It's probably better if she forgets..

"No.. I mean.. You are familiar to me, but why are you telling me all of these things? Why do I stay here with you? Are we-?"
"You should just worry about going to bed. Questions at this hour are absurd." He stated as he quickly headed up the stairs.

An hour had passed and all was quiet when the light cries of the stairs caught his attention. Pretty soon, the door screamed softly, yet he hadn't moved. She stood there for a minute or two before he even acknowledged her presence.

Pointing at her, he waited patiently for her response, but still, she hadn't moved.

She must think I'm asleep..

Perhaps she'll go away..

Turning on his side, away from her, he waited for the door to close.


it did.

Not moving, still, he waited for the footsteps to leave him.

But they hadn't.

With a sigh, he turned to see the girl standing next to his bedside. She seemed to be wanting something.

"I.. It.. Um.."
"Don't worry. I usually don't sleep at night. I'll wait." He responded, aware that it sounded like sarcasm.
"I want.." She trailed off.
"I'll tell you what. You can lay here until you think about it." Nodding, she climbed over to the other side without him moving an inch.

As she laid there, she began to wonder why he hadn't done anything to her since that was what she was used to when she had next to nothing on. "W-why don't you touch me? Is that not what I'm here for?"
"I have decided not to touch you until a certain moment."
"And what moment is that?" his head turned in her direction, looking through the darkness that attempted to cover her face. Silently, he attempted to find the words to say before turning his head back to look at the ceiling.

"Just until you remember.."

"Remember what?"
"You'll know. When you remember it, you'll know. And if you still want me then, I will."
"Touch me?"
"If you want me to.." He trailed off into silence as the guilt began to eat him alive as the night had done before.

She won't remember if it's not disassociative amnesia..

She'll never get the chance to know..

That she's the one that should hate you..

"Where are you going?"
"I remembered my question." He sighed, nodding and relaxing his body back into place. "That's your choice." Looking back over to the side she had been laying on with the bottle of pills on the dresser, he looked back and forth between the two as the girl crawled her way back into the space before deciding to wait.

I'll just wait to see what happens..

And give her a chance to do what she deserves..

I'll give her the chance..

To hate me..

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