The Dark Light

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"Why did you want to get out of the gang?"

"Because I never wanted to be in it in the first place.."

"Then why'd you join?" He chuckled in response.

"I didn't exactly join at will, if you know what I mean. It was the famous 'join or die' situation."

The room got quiet as she shuffled a bit in her seat. "A-and what about me?" She asked, eyes cast down.

There was pain in his remembrance.


"Agust." his eyes followed the sound waves back to where they had sailed from. "Namjoon would like to have a word with you."

Those familiar-cold eyes burning him. Getting up, the shuffling of feet were not heard, as they had been trained to be quiet in all that would be necessary as preparation for the upcoming mission.

"Ah, Suga!" Turning the corner, a bright smile welcomed him. A drink in hand, Namjoon opened his arms wide as if to welcome a hug. "Just the man I was looking for. How goes your studies?"

"That's good to hear. Listen, I know finals are coming up within a few weeks, but we really need you to be here in order to prep for our final hit." He grinned. Casting his gaze to the side, he clenched his fists. "And don't worry. This mission won't make you fail. I'll make sure of that." He remarked under his breath. "Let's skip the formalities. I need to be sure that you and Taehyung are on the same page for this mission because I need you both to work together. If you guys allow your emotions to get to better of you during this mission, I'm afraid that I'll have to have something done about both of you." His eyes became sharp and no longer beheld the welcome that they had originally held. A few seconds passed when Namjoon realized that he was, yet again, unphased. Blinking once, he sat back with a huge smile ensuing.

"Tell me Agust," he began, leaning on his right arm. "How is it that you have come to never allow me to see fear in you? What is your secret?"
"There is none. I am not afraid."
"Really?" He grinned. "Then I guess that makes you my right hand man. You will be the first to know of all of my plans and the first to venture out to see if any faults should befall them."

No reaction ensued and soon, he bag an to make his exit.

"But do be careful, Agust." He paused in his tracks. "As my right hand shall never know what my left is doing."

Continuing about the journey out the room, he paused to ponder everything that had just happened. It hadn't been long when he had heard him calling for her.. Curiosity struck him as he listened in more closely.

"How do you manage to get more and more beautiful every time I see you?" She said nothing. "Come here."

He soon found himself peeking through the crack of the door to investigate the matter. Namjoon had her by the chin, gently examining her features.

"As beautiful as you may be, you look a little dull. What's the matter?" She opened her mouth to speak but no words could be formed. "Just relax. Sit here." He said, patting his left leg. As soon as she sat, his blood boiled at the full view of her. She had been dressed in a one piece that exposed her legs and chest to him. Dismissing his cracking heart, he tuned in again. "Tell me what's wrong. It's about V and Agust, isn't it?" She sighed sadly.

'That wasn't it..' He thought.

"It's okay, my love. They'll be fine - if they want to live, that is."
"Namjoon.." She started before stopping. "Nevermind.."
"What? What you say is important to me. You are my left hand after all." Casting her gaze to the side towards the door, she paused, as if she had seen him but quickly turned her attention back to Namjoon when she felt his hand on her thigh that had been closest to the door.

"Well, since you won't take my word for it, maybe this'll make you feel better." Leaning his face closer to her neck for a kiss, her head turned towards the door one last time before he disappeared.


"Why did I want to leave?"
"Because you fell in love and wanted to protect someone else." He got up to leave when she stopped him.
"Who was it?"

"Someone not worth saving.."

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