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Setting the bag down, he turned his attention to the girl lightly moaning in pain on the couch. Blood clots and stains on the thick covering of sheets as a protectant for the couch decorated a particular area of them. Hovering over where she laid, he took out one of the sanitary pads wrapped in plastic and held it up to her face.

"Do you remember what this is?" She glared at the plastic in his hand before lowering her head in pain. "Do you remember how to put one on?" Shaking her head, he sighed.

Is her memory really that bad?

He questioned before picking her up, carrying her soiled frame into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Officer Jeon questioned. His puffy, reddened face accompanied by his serious demeanor.
"The obvious." He said as he watched him pull down the girls' panties.
"You can't just undress her like that! She doesn't even have any clothes here and she needs a bath first!"
"I understand that. But as of right now, she is incapable of being steeped into or left alone in hot water. In this state of weakness, she would surely drown and die.."
"Well then, what is she going to do about having clothes? She can't just keep wearing the same thing forever!"

She wouldn't know the difference.. He thought.

"If you're that concerned, then go get her some clothes. You know where she lives, don't you?" Officer Jeon stopped. It had been such a long time since he had last been over there. He wondered if she had still lived there.
"No. People change addresses all the time and it's been years since the-.." He gave him a death glare. "-incident.. So I highly doubt that she would be living in the same house from all those years ago."

"But the possibility is there." His focus being on her as he drew the bath water for her. "Plus, you're a cop. Don't cops keep track of the residents?" Rhetorically, he asked about the data base in their computers.
"That is illegal."
"You covering up for me is illegal."
"Don't say that.."
"If you are going to stand there and bug me about it, then the least you can do is to help me take care of her." He said, checking the water. Taking one last look at her, he frustratedly sighed before leaving the scene.


Walking down the eerily quiet city, he began to think.

How did he come across her?
How long ago did he find her?
Why is he letting her stay in his house?
Is this some sort of self fulfillment thing due to his guilt?
I really hope that everything goes well with him..

Arriving at his car, Officer Jeon began to drive around the city, slowly remembering the days that lead back to the cursed roads of that apartment duplex.

Would the shaggy walls of brick still be there?

The cement steps that lead the front door; would they be cracked? Chipped?

And the bloodstain....

Would it, too, still be there?

The thoughts were clouding his mind as he approached the very familiar neighborhood. Getting out of his car, he began to shakily press his way up each step, remembering the horrors of what used to live there. Lifting his hand to knock, the horrid memory hit him harder than ever, making him pause.

Should I even knock?


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