No Hide, No Seek

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Day came with a whip cracking at his eyes. When he turned away from the ceiling to face the spot where she had been, his inner guilt took over as he finally decided to comply with the thing he now knew must be done.

Ripping the living corpse that his soul was trapped inside of off the temporary resting place, his feet lead him down the stairs. Once at the bottom, pausing at the sight, he waited.

"I'm not going to ask you about who I am, who you are or anything.. I'm sure you've told me that a million times. I just want to know who these seven people are.." Her fingers afloated the picture, though her gaze had been casted elsewhere. Away from him. "I see their faces in my dreams, but I just can't figure out who they are.." She mumbled to herself.

Without a word, he went into the kitchen for a moment pulling out two cups: a glass and a mug.

"How can you be so sure?" The chill of the ice cubes could be heard as they cracked and fused themselves together under the pouring liquid. "How can you tell that I've told you a million times if you can't even remember me?" Sipping the clear, hard liquid, she answered.
"The way you looked at me."

Time stood still. His attention had all been focused on the cup with his eyes, but with his ears, paid close attention to her.

"When you looked me in the eyes as you struggled between wake and sleep, I knew that we had been something more than just a night's wonder. And by the way you reached out for me as I left you there further told me the truth." She paused.
"And what truth is that?"
"You're not like other guys.." Chuckling to himself, he grabbed the cups as he walked toward where she had been sitting.
"If you had your memory, I'd say that's a no-brainer." Pausing, the air became stiff. "In fact.. If you had your memory, I wouldn't have said it at all.." His voice seeming to trail off as he finished his sentence.

Taking in the moment, staring at her beauty, the mug in his right hand soon interrupted the silence.

It's time for me to be honest with you..

For me to face my fears and..

To finally remind you of who I am..

"There were never seven members. Just six. The names of these members in this photo are as follows: Kim Taehyung, Me, Officer Jin, Officer Jeon, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok.
The devout members of the academy were: Me, Officer Jin and Park Jimin.
The devout members of the gang, consisted of those leftover: Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok.

However, if you can remember all of this, the members of that same gang were:

Namjoon - the leader,

Hoseok - The right hand,

Taehyung (called V at that time) and Jungkook (Kookie) - the rookies of the gang,


and You."

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