Killing Judas

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"Agust and Jiu are running away together tonight as we speak."

Not showing any signs of alarm, Namjoon's eyes continues to focus on the necklace in his hand, dangling off of his fingers. The necklace he had planned to give to Jiu. Nodding, he slowly put the gold necklace down and shifted his gaze to V.

"Hoseok. Come listen. V has some news on your sister and Suga." Though he hadn't been talking to him, his eyes still stayed on V. Once Hoseok came hither, he gave a command once again. "Tell us in detail about what you heard."

"I had come in the middle of their conversation when Jiu was crying and he had been holding her. She kept telling him to run away and keep their promise. What promise- I don't know. But I guess it had something to do with their love and running away because that's what they're doing now."

Namjoon's eyes danced over to the table beside him that beheld the glistening gun. Grabbing it, he spun it about his finger thinking on what to do. Suddenly, he stopped and grabbed it. The gun pointing directly at V. Namjoon's eyes determined, as if he were going to shoot. Both boys were holding their breath when, "I knew that this would happen. Jiu is usually never this close to anyone. I knew that they had something going on when she would hesitate to sleep with me. Not even a kiss would voluntarily occur." Turning his head, his eyes zeroed in on the boy to his right. "Hoseok." He started, handing him the gun. "Bring them back. I want Jiu alive, but make sure that prick is dead."

The horror of what he had just done settled into his soul. "Dead? Why can't we just-" Taehyung's eyes fought not to show any emotion, but failed miserably as the pain set in. Namjoon began speaking again but he heard not a word that was said due to the pain until his name had been called.

"And V, you stay back to help."

Nodding, the doors closed behind him and all was silent. No one was there except for him. Almost immediately, he crumbled and began to wallow in his tears. Filled with regret, it became very clear as to what he had just done.

He just forged a signature to a death contract that wasn't even his. Knowing that he could do nothing, he began to beat himself up. Calling himself the names 'they' used to call him and telling himself that 'they' were right was quickly eating him alive.

"-hyung! Stop!" A voice of hope called and soon held him. "Why are you hurting yourself?"
"I killed him! I'm so stupid! I killed him!"
"Min Yoongi! He's going go die because of me!"
"Who is Mi-?"
"Suga! Agust! Agust D!" A pounding headache settled in. "He'll never forgive me. He'll die and I'll have to live with the sin I beckoned for." He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Nothing made sense at all. To have a friend kill another friend without knowing the reason was driving him up a wall. Did he even want to know the reason? Although, now was not the time for having the option of wanting to know; He HAD to know.

"Why did you kill him?"
"I-. I just told Namjoon about their affair and that they're running away and now they're after him! I was angry and I thought that maybe.. I don't know what I thought." He hesitated.

"H-how.. How can I help?"
"It can't.. It can't.. I can't.."
"Taehyung, listen to me. You need to tell me how I can help. Where is he now?"
"I don't know.." He sniffled. "I can't..stop them.." With hope at his side, he soon stood up from squatting by Taehyung's side.

"I'm leaving. But you have to promise me something: Don't hurt yourself while I'm gone."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find him."


The cold Autumn air seemed to give him a hard time breathing as he tried his best to run as fast as he could to find his best friend. Heart racing, though not because of the speed he had running at, fear began to set in as his airways began to scream for more air. It felt as if he had ran all around Daegu looking for the friend that was bound to be dead when, in attempt to get a response by using the final bit of air he had left before he collapsed, he screamed his name. "MIN YOONGI!"

Namjoon definitely didn't know his real name. So it would have been a much safer option than saying any of his given names.

Pushing himself to look even harder, he began to have a coughing fit the resulted in him co asking his throat, forcing him to take a rest.

All was silent when all of a sudden, a truly horrifying sound echoed the streets and was soon accompanied by voices.

"No." He whispered to himself as he followed the sounds of a nightmare.

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