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The sound of their rapid panting accompanied the fast sound of their pitter pattering feet. He felt himself internally panicking as his grip tightened on her hand with every step at the very thought of losing her or letting her go. In his mind, there was nothing more valuable in his life than hers. Even at the cost of his own.

And as they ran past the buildings, their minds full of turmoil, they couldn't help but to hear the close heavy thunder of footsteps behind them. Hearts racing, Jiu's eyes began to well up with tears. It felt as though her world was turning its' back on her and attempting to crush her via heart attack.

Inside her aching heart, she felt saddened that she was forced to choose between her brother and her lover this way. But what could she do? She had no other choice. Soon, the sound of gunshots fired and Jiu's tears began to stream down even harder. Her tears slowing them down, as she couldn't see, they had no time to see what was wrong besides the split second he had gained for them when he pulled them out of sight.

"Jiu, please calm down. Everything's going to be alright. I'm here now."
"But they don't-!"
"Shhhh. Not so loud, okay?"
"I'm sorry." She sobbed.

It was then, when she had felt the warmth of his arms, that they both had heard the cocking of a gun.

"Get up."
"Namjoon, please." She cried.
"Get away from her, now."
"Jiu, let go of him."
"No! You're just gonna kill him!" She sniffed.

He sighed after a moment of torment when looking at them. His hands were up in surrender as she deliberately covered his body so that he couldn't shoot. His lips parted to say one last thing as he shook his head with pain in his eyes. Looking her directly in the eye, he asked her, "I bet you never even cared about me this way, did you?"


She screamed in fear of the blood flowing from the newly formed bullet hole in his head. His pained expression never lost sight of her eyes as he fell upon his knees and soon lay on the sidewalk, bleeding. It were as if it all happened in slow motion to her. Watching the very first man she ever gave herself to fade away like that. On some sort of deep level, it killed her.

Though to the rest of the world, Namjoon's body was the least of their concerns as it revealed the body behind the one that had just collapsed. Out of the shadows, he walked. Heavily breathing, he tried not to think about the blood he just gained on his hands in order to remain level headed and calm.


But he said nothing as he soon collapsed to his knees right in front of Jiu, her lover and the ex-best friend. To him, this was a greater loss than he had ever had. Two friends in one night.. What was left to lose?

As he stared at the cold, dead body twitching before him, he paid no mind to the clicking sound of guns behind and in front of him.

Everything went on around him like a blur as he had allowed himself to become wrapped up in the fact that he had just killed someone.

"Jungkook!" He heard a voice say, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Take Jiu away, now!"
"No! Min Yoongi!" She wailed as Jungkook quickly grabbed her after noticing that he now held the smoking gun.

She fought him as hard as she could - and he understood her pain enough to where he endured her beatings and screams when he wouldn't let her go. Eventually, she stopped, broke down and just cried.

She knew that she was losing someone she loved today.

She just wasn't sure on who.

Until she heard it..

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