Chapter 18: Detention

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Chapter 18: Detention

"Hi Emma! It's good to see you this morning," Jack cheerfully greeted and jogs beside me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Jack's pestering me the whole morning. His cheerfulness and smirks makes me wanna punch him in the face. This guy is up to something.

"So, are you just gonna ignore me the whole day?" He said, raising his brow and leaned against my locker.

I sighed and narrowed my eyes, applying a fake smile on my face. "Good morning Jack! It's nice to see you this morning too."

His face neutralize then the sudden change of expression to grump. He rolled his eyes and click the roof of his tongue, "You know, love. That's damn fake."

"Well, what do you expect?" I said sarcastically, raising my brow and closing my locker. In a few minutes, my first class will be starting and I haven't even finished my homework yet. Damn it!

"Is that how you make friends, Emma?" He asked, smirking. I stop short. He's cute, I must admit but he's a jerk.

"I don't make acquaintance with a thief," I replied and give him a look. He rolled his eyes and didn't replied from a moment. I felt a huge relief and victory, somehow. Finally, Jack stop messing around with me and we both went straight to our class.

I saw Ethan already inside with Amy, Eve and Alex. Ethan saw me too and twitch his head to sit between me and Eve. Alex and Amy were at the back of us and I immediately ran across the room and sat down.

"So, what happened?" Eve opened up, chewing her gum before throwing away. Gums are never allowed in the school.

I turned my attention to her. Just then, I realize I am heavily breathing and hand sweating. It's about three minutes left before my first class and Jack's been fooling around with me so I don't have a choice but to walk as fast as I can.

"It seems you and Jack are friends. You two went inside the room together," Ethan said and I found him smirking at me and a brow raised. That expression he's showing reminds me of Jack earlier. A face of a jerk, that's what I can call.

"It seems someone is jealous," Alex said from behind and Amy giggle and Eve laugh boisterously. Ethan shot them a glare and Alex smiled in victory.

In the middle of the scenario, I found Jack's eyes staring at me. His eyes were smiling and his mouth raised a little upward. I found myself staring back at him too, mesmerize by his looks.

He's a thief, Emma.

Don't mess with a bad guy.

This guy is up to something.

My brain's telling me to stop staring at him. Yes, Jack's a thief and there's a reason why he's trying to get acquaintance with me but in the circumstance, I can use him too. I can get close to him until I can already have the coronet back.

Oh my god! Yes, I can get the coronet back if I'll get close to Jack as well, not ignoring him off.

I smiled back at him, a kind of smile where you have a plan. If this guy is up to something, then I'm up to something too. Jack's brows meet together in confusion but I only smiled even more and finally cut my gaze away from him.

"Alright, ready yourselves class because we'll be proposing a thesis for today." Our professor announced and everybody groaned hearing we'll be making a thesis. This would be a rough road ahead of us. It's not easy to make thesis and researching is even worse.

"Why the hell would be making thesis? I thought we will be preparing for our title and oral defense?" Ethan said loudly and crossed his arms. Soon, everybody whispered and nodded in agreement.

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