Chapter 19: Burning City

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Chapter 19: Burning City

"This is all your fault," Jack whispered to Ethan as the three of us walked towards the detention room. I'm a noisy person whenever I'm angry but for this moment, I'm somehow silent but the rage inside me is fusing like hell.

Imagine staying in the detention room for the whole day. Its insane! I can do so many things in one day but I already wasted it. The whole class are probably in the library now, researching and doing their task while the three of us are aimlessly sitting in the chair waiting for the day to end.

"This is all our fault," I quoted and warned them to stop blaming at each other. 

"Well, you started the argument." Ethan pointed out and Jack take it as yes either.

"That is because the two of you are the cause," I reminded and Jack take it as yes again.

"Makes sense," the two said together and they stared for one second smiling before realizing they are rivalry and the tension between the two of them is up again.

"Such dumbass," I muttered and Ethan's head turned in my direction.

"Pardon?" He said and Jack only rolled his eyes.

We went inside the room and the teacher in charge was shock to see me, but already expected Jack and Ethan once again in the detention room. I wonder what were the reasons why. We both choose our different seats, more likely away from each other.

"No talking, shouting doing unnecessary things, going out-unless you need to go the comfort room- and eating. You can only eat when its recess or lunch break. Your detention is good for two hours. Any violation will be added another hour," he said.

"You talked as if we killed somebody," Ethan mumbled and I couldn't help but almost choke for trying to contain my laughter.

The teacher's ears twitch, as if a dog hearing something weird, and stare at Ethan with her hateful eyes.

"Warning Mr. Morgan," she said and in right upper side, I saw Jack's hidden smile. I rolled my eyes. He sure does love other's misfortunes, more like Ethan's bad luck.

"Any questions?" she asked and we all shake our heads. "Good. Detention starts now," she continued and close the door before she left the three of us.

None of us dared to talk, that is, its part of the rules and waiting here for two hours seems like forever. I couldn't afford getting another hour just by talking. I just wanted to get out of here.

This goddamn hell.

I stare at the window (my seat's just beside the window while Ethan's in the middle row and Jack's in front, near the door) and I noticed spring begins. The snow's beginning to melt- its not as thick before- and rivers are cracking unlike the frozen river we danced with Ethan last time.

Speaking of, I wonder if he remembers that day? More like his phobia dancing in the frozen river. I sigh. damn it, I just want this detention to be over. I cant think of any other than the thesis and my family. I miss my home so darn much.

"We can actually start our thesis right now," Jack called across the room and I immediately shot him a glare.

"What?" he called out again.

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