Chapter 8:everyone and HER

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Chapter 8: everyone and HER

I walked and looked into the 4 lock cell and immediately looked away cause there was a blinding light. When it dimmed I looked back and saw light the happy version of myself. her eyes were the same as mine yellow, but had a brighter glow with it. Also in stead of just her tips being yellow the roots were too. She always wore her hair in a side ponytail. She also always had a light blush dusted across her cheeks too. She had a simple yellow dress on with two straps and a light orange belt wrapped around her waist and had the rest of it hanging off her hip. She smiled at me.

I walked further to the 5 lock. I could see my breath and the bars were covered in ice. I sighed a big smokey breath when I realized this was ice/snow the rude one. she walked to the edge slowing me to see her pale skin. Her hair had white and light blue tips. One of her eyes was white while the other was light blue. She had her hair in a French braid that went sideways down her head. She wore a tank top that was a medium blue with one strap thicker that the other and it was cut to show her stomach. She also wore a baby blue short skirt with ripped up black leggings. She had on some black and white cons too.

"You might want to hurry SHE isn't that patient u know!" She snapped at me with huffs of white air coming from her mouth.

"Yeah yeah yeah I know snow." I put my hand in my pocket and continued my journey.

Now it's time for the 6 lock. (A.N. we're almost done bare with me!!)

This cell had the shiniest bars. I'd expect no less than metal the rebellious. honestly metal and earth were my favorite because I could just move the surface the person was standing on up while the were talking. It worked every time!

Anyway metal walked up with her hair and rust colored ends looking messy. She never cared for her looks. She wore a loose silver tshirt and black short jean shorts. she flipped her hair and sighed as I walked by.

I smirked she had the best attitude in my opinion.

I looked and saw I was at the 7 lock cell that was pitch black inside and leaked out of the cell too. It cleared away revealing the 3rd strongest darkness.She was always so quiet. To be honest though if light wasn't so merciful and innocent then darkness would be in 4th, but I wouldn't tell them that.

Darkness had black roots and tips on her hair that was covering most of her face. her pitch black eyes looked at me. I also saw a scar running down her eye that i had, but gave to her when i made her. She nodded her head to show she knew I was their.... did I meantion she was blind? whenever I release her I have amazing hearing and feel. No joke I can feel when someone moves even if they make no sound.

She wore a oversized black sweater with black jeans. she also wore black combat boots. she dissolved herself into her darkness again.

I walked some more to see the 8 lock cell holding the second strongest. Lightning would burst up the bars as electric the childish and energetic one walked to the edge of her cell. Her electric blue and orange tip hair was put in piggy tails. She wore a orange short that was loose kinda, but was tied above her waist showing her, well I guess mine too, figure. the shoulders were cut out, but the sleeves continued on and turned electric blue at her wrist. She had one orange eye and the other, you guessed it, electric blue. She also wore dark skinny jeans that had a hole in the knees from her playing around so much. Her shoes were orange flip flops.

She giggled and said in a sing-tune like voice "She's gonna be mad Mara!"

"Yeah yeah yeah. I know I know!"

I walked up and stopped in front of the 9 cell lock. This cell took up the entire wall of this very long rectangle room. It was heated and bursting with flames. 'Oh boy. Here we go.' The strongest of all of them lay before me inside of this cell.

A girl that was like me with burning red eyes that were glowing and as for her tips they were on fire. No joke. They do that when shes mad and they don't burn her hair or go any further than her tips. She had on a black leather jacket and red tank top. She also had black skinny jeans and boots that had spikes on the edges and top of them. She also had a leather glove on her right hand. A scar cut her across her left eye.

That scar was mine and that leather glove hide a wound that every time I looked at would make me want to cry. She also has a scar that runs all the way across her back that was mine too.

I flinched when my mind brought me back to how that happened, but the flaming girl brought me back to what was going on.

Here I was standing in front of her lighting up in anger.

"Took you awhile Mara." She snapped at me.

"Hello to you too. Fire the fighter. Also know as Fire the Angry."



Yay!!! I finished it!!!! In one day too!! I'm so happy!!!!

Okay anyway I would like to say thank u thank u thank u for reading this!! Always appreciate this and want to warn u guys that next week I'm goin somewhere and is probably doing tennis the rest of summer soooo I'll try to update as much as I can!!!

Alright that's it byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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