13. Coldness and Heat

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Third Person POV—This starts with a flashback, just to clarify.

   The little green haired girl brought the kunai to her neck, her hands trembling so violently as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Sasori. Deidara. Hidan. Kakuzu. Itachi. Kisame. Pein. Konan.

  They were all dead. Her family. They all died.

   Thunder and rain assaulted Amegakure as Rin cried with the village.

   The Fourth Shinobi War.

  Deaths mounted against her as she saw what killing meant, what being a shinobi meant. Her father was in the head with Madara, slashing down everyone and everything in their path with no mercy. She would remember the children lying on the ground, their eyes like empty mirrors. Their small bodies littered the battlefield as Rin retched, dropping to her knees as she saw one child decapitated so brutally that their limbs were scattered.

  This was what war meant.

  Did she even want to live? Was that why she dove between Obito and the grey haired man, Kakashi? Was that why she threw herself in front of his Chidori? No, she just didn't want her father to die. She couldn't let another person die in front of her eyes. No matter what her father had done, he was still her father.

   And she had still loved him.

   She had lost too many people. She couldn't lose him.

  And when she did....the child inside of her broke as the Mangekyou emerged.


    She was cold.

   She slowly became aware of the pain gathering in her chest as her eyes fluttered open and her fingers twitched with movement. Her eyes stared up at a white ceiling with the fan spinning lazily—over and over again. She felt the hospital bed underneath her. She was in a hospital.

  Flashes of the battle reached her.


  Rin reached out with all her might, but there was only a slight stir of chakra. She shut her eyes. He was injured.

  She tried to breathe. This wasn't the other timeline where everyone died. She had a new chance.

  She remembered. Her Sharingan. Rin clutched at her forehead as her mind spun. Was she too late? Did the Uchiha Massacre already occur? She felt tears squeeze from her eyes as she winced, her ribs screaming in protest as she got up. She looked outside. There were children playing outside. The village would be in unsettled tension if it had occurred. Rin relaxed, but her shoulders remained tense. She had to get out.

Rin struggled to her feet, bracing her hands against the hospital bed that was so far away from the window. Mizuchi was silent, something that scared her so intensely that she had to touch the seal several times. She could feel a weak presence, barely clinging on. Last time something like this happened, Mizuchi responded better to the outdoors, where chakra pumped into the depths of the Earth. Staggering to her feet, Rin felt her vision slide, but remained standing. For Mizuchi. Her friend.

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