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Damn, I wished it ended right here at a nice, even forty, but fortunately, we have two parts of an epilogue left. But still...I guess this is a technical end before the epilogues. 

Also, here is nice music that I feel like really fits in. 


As soon as they returned to the village, Shisui was given another long mission and Rin was left to train her genin. It wasn't as if it was a problem, but the three of them had branched off to their respective mentors to train. 

 Rin kind of felt a bit lonely despite herself. 

  She mostly did her missions while talking with Keiko now and then. Occasionally, her genin would visit her as well. It gave her the most joy to see how they were progressing. 

  But still, something always seemed misplaced without Shisui. 

Rin most hated the days when Shisui would be away on his missions. ANBU was a risky business and though she knew that Shisui could take care of himself, she still didn't like when he was away from her.

Rin's heart often got very confused.

Was it natural to like somebody that much?

Shisui had been away for a total of three weeks. Rin found herself getting more and more depressed as she wouldn't see that grin on his face.

Obito had also noticed. "He'll be back soon," he said to his daughter, "he hasn't been given the title: Shunshin no Shisui for no good reason."

Rin nodded but she still wilted inside.

One night, as Rin was lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, she heard a sudden tap on her window. Rin frowned, wondering if it was some kind of bird who accidentally flew into the window. She opened the window and saw Shisui perched on the branches of the tree outside of her house.

Rin opened her mouth in astonishment before Shisui slipped through the window and entered her room.

"Sh-Shisui?" Rin began, still taken aback by his sudden movements.

Shisui did not even speak a single syllable as one hand gently but forcibly tilted her chin so that he could kiss her while the other rested on her waist, drawing her close to him. Rin froze, her cheeks heating up while her knees felt like they were going to give up on her but Shisui held her in a firm grip as Rin melted into his embrace. He deepened the kiss, making Rin shudder a bit, though not from any unpleasant feeling. After what seemed like hours, he pulled away as Rin gasped for breath; her eyes meeting his lovely onyx ones.

Shisui's hand was still on her hip, while the other hand reached down to caress the side of her head, smoothing her hair before sliding down to cup her cheek. For a few moments, neither of them spoke before Shisui said in a low voice, "I've been dreaming of this for three weeks...that's far too long of a time to be away from you."

Rin felt her heart swirl with too many emotions for her to keep track of. Instead, she just laid her head against his chest. "I missed you so much," she murmured.

"Me too."

He held her to him for as long as he dared, the two sinking into the other's warmth.

Rin could see that he was still wearing his grey ANBU vest. Her heart warmed. He had dashed straight to her home without even changing.

Shisui walked backwards with Rin still in his arms before he sat down on the edge of her bed as she sat on his lap. This time, Rin initiated the kiss, pressing a soft one to Shisui's lips which he returned.

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