Author's Note: So with finals practically done, since I only have creative writing left, I decided to update. I've actually been holding this back for awhile because I tried to make this thing as original as possible and had to weave some stuff together. Hope it works. If it doesn't, oh well...
Don't forget to vote and comment :D***********
The team followed Utakata as he led them through the dense forest. Mizuchi seemed rather tense as Rin walked next to Shisui, his eyes shifting from side to side. Utakata suddenly stopped, his eyes closed. "The chakra gets stronger from here," he said, "the last I've seen, some woman was leading these experiments. Doubtless, you know the number of them."
Utakata's pale yellow eyes flickered to Shisui, who returned the gaze steadily. "Ito—" he looked to the shinobi that was part of their team, "use your sensory skills."
Ito held up two fingers before he touched the ground, closing his eyes. "We are outnumbered—there are about ten of them...all with fantastic amounts of chakra..."
Shisui nodded curtly, clearly formulating a plan. "We'll split up," he said, "it's not the ideal plan but we should be able to divide them and take them out separately. I will go with Ito and Kaito; Rin, you go with Utakata."
Rin nodded, slightly taken aback as the ex Kiri nin only narrowed his eyes. The two teams set off, as Rin leapt through the trees with Utakata, pumping steady chakra into the soles of her feet. Utakata was silent, gripping the formidable bubble blower. Rin kept silence as well, as she activated her Sharingan to see the chakra signatures within the humid forest. "We have five up ahead—it looks like Shisui's team was able to split them up—" she commented as Utakata nodded curtly.
Rin and Utakata stopped at the top branch of the tree. "I'll attack first—" Utakata said and even before Rin could say anything, he struck towards the five experiments.
"Wait!" Rin tried to grab him but he was already doing his acid bubble jutsu. The five men were visibly deformed the curse marks altering their appearances as they resembled animals meshed together with humans. They grinned predatorily, lunging at Utakata but the Kiri nin was prepared.
"Suiton: Suryidan no jutsu!" He made the hand signs as a gigantic water dragon formed before pummeling two of them. Rin dove for cover before she used a genjutsu to paralyze one of the prisoners before aiming a roundhouse kick that sent him flying backwards.
The two that were left circled around the two as Utakata's and Rin's backs collided with each other. They both stiffened and glared. "Any ideas?" He hissed.
"No one asked you to go off on your own," Rin hissed back but as one of the men swiped his deformed claw at them, she grabbed Utakata's hand before she spun him around with her chakra enhanced strength, using him as a sort of club. Releasing him and sending him crashing onto his back, Rin pulled back her fist and clocked the prisoner straight in the chest before she turned to the one remaining. He leered as he conducted the hand signs.
Rin's Sharingan read the speed of the seal as she mimicked him and both sent a water based attack to each other. However, Rin's chakra overpowered his. "Water style: Water Shock Wave!" The water crashed forwards dangerously like knives, nearly drowning the prisoner before he was knocked out by a kick to his jaw. Rin narrowed her eyes at the prisoners before she took out the scroll at her hip. Jiraiya had taught her some handy fuinjutsu to use to restrain prisoners. As she started on the seal, Utakata sidled next to her.
"You use water jutsu as well as any Kiri nin," Utakata remarked, "and your chakra is impressive, even for an Uchiha. Are you a jinchurriki?"
Rin finished the seal and bound the prisoners before she wiped her hands. "I could ask the same of you," she said coolly.
Utakata gave her a lazy look. "You're not normal, that is evident enough from your hair. I was just curious."
"Mizuchi," Rin said, "I was sealed with Mizuchi."
Utakata nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Of course, that's why you are so proficient at it."
Rin took a deep breath. "We should find the others." She turned her back before adding, "And next time, don't go off on your own. If we don't work together, then neither of us can get what we want."
Utakata scoffed, "I've met you for barely ten minutes and you are expecting me to work with you like we're some kind of friends?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I asking too much of the rogue ninja?" Rin felt her temper rising despite herself at the ex Kiri Nin's attitude.
Utakata cocked his head, "Why so adamant on teamwork? We're from different nations anyways."
"Lack of teamwork leads to death," Rin said, remembering the events in the other timeline, "not trusting in your teammates leads to failure. This is what I teach to my students. It doesn't matter what background each shinobi is from, once they are assigned to the team, they must work together to achieve the end objective."
Utakata scoffed, "Is that what Konoha teaches? No wonder people call you the soft nation—"
"If you thought that teamwork was this stupid—" Rin's voice was steady, "then you would have ditched us already. You know that you need our help. I'm asking you to work together with me because I also have an objective and I also have people to protect from whatever twisted experiments Orochimaru had conducted—" her hands squeezed into a fist, "you need to rescue Hotaru and I have my own people and team to protect. Working together is in our best interest."
Utakata gave her a flat stare, his eyes flickering to her irises. "Shinobi cannot trust in others—human nature is too cruel and unpredictable," he said, and Rin could see some painful memory associated with those words, "students can kill their masters, and masters....they can betray their students—" there was bitterness in his voice.
"I'm not asking you to trust me, just trust in my abilities if you can't do that much," Rin replied as Utakata gave her a level look.
They both exchanged the stare before a sudden explosion was heard and the two whipped around to see smoke from the top of the trees. The two of them shot towards the smoke and noise, adrenaline pumping through their blood.
They arrived at the murky shore, where they saw an enormous expense of lake. Rin sported Shisui dodging various attacks and could see that their team had taken the stronger experiments. Ito and Kaito were maneuvering around the blows and the jutsu as well. That was when Rin saw it. Two of the men made the hand signs for a wide range fire jutsu. As they blew steaks of fire form their mouths, enhanced by another wind jutsu, Rin and Utakata both leapt down at the same time in front of the team.
"Suiton: Suijin Heki!" A gigantic water wall appeared as both of their strong water based chakra created a strong enough barrier before dissipating into steam.
Shisui met her eyes, as Rin bent down into a defensive stance as the steam began to clear.
There was the sound of a cold, distinctly feminine laugh as the smoke dissipated to reveal a tall women with violet hair and merciless eyes. Her bloodred lips curled into half smirk, half smile. "Looks like I found you, jinchurriki—" she smirked, wiping her lips, "looks like it's just my luck today. You will pay for what you've done to Orochimaru-sama—" she laughed again.
Making several handsigns, her eyes glowed with a bloodthirsty aura.
"Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique—"
*******So yeah, I combined both Utakata and Guren stories together. How was the chapter? Good? Bad? Please let me know your thoughts below 🤓

The Singularity-Uchiha Shisui Fanfiction
FanfictionShe was Orochimaru's experiment. She was transported to the past. Now, she needs to fix everything. And make it all right.