Rise of Passion

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Part Seven

location: Cinque de Terre, in one of the five lands, Italy

They had dropped of their things at a hotel earlier that morning upon their arrival in Italy. Neil told her to wear a bathing suit under her clothes before they left for their day in the five lands. Avni was nervous. Yes he had seen her undressed before but that time it was a situation of need and she had been unconscious. Now here they were exploring these lands by foot and train.

She hoped he would let her keep her t-shirt on over her bathing suit. But according to what she knew of him already, he wouldn't let her go that easily for anything. He was passionate about his work, friendships , family and now she herself was in his top priorities as well. DD would call every now and then and update him about her case or another one. They would return in a week to Mumbai.

They had explored different lands and ended up at the last one by the late afternoon. They found a nice restaurant for dinner for that evening and they were told they could return to see the sunset at a certain time.

Neil scouted for a more secluded area for where he could teach Avni swimming.

He found one a few kilometers away.

They walked hand in hand to the area.

"Neil aram se! What's the rush?," she exclaimed as he led her to the spot.

"Ok here is where I am going to teach you how to swim. So put down your bag and take off your clothes," he said nonchalantly.

She looked at him with her jaw dropping to the floor.

"Neil how can you say that, here?"

Neil chuckled.

"It's only me Avni. I have seen you undressed before. So relax," he assured her.

"I get to keep the t-shirt over my bathing suit please Neil," she said after she slid off her capris.

Neil appeared in just his shorts and smiled at her shyness.

He indicated for her to throw her other stuff in their bag and to sit down lower on the rocks.

She did so reluctantly. He grasped her legs to pull her into the water. It was cool but she knew she could tolerate it eventually.

She felt goosebumps rising on her legs as his hands caressed her bare skin.

"First thing you need to do is relax," he whispered

She took a deep breath as he tugged up her t-shirt and then before she could react, he flung it on top of their bag.

He pulled her closer to him then helped her lay on her back in a floating position.

"Try this for a minute and then we will learn a few things," he whispered,

She felt she could trust him.

She recalled when she talked to her mother during the pug phera rasam the week before.

"Avni beta I want you to understand something,"Neela stated.

Avni stopped what she was doing and sat down by her mother.

" Beta I understand your wedding was rushed and you didn't know Neil very long before you got married. I want you to know both myself and Neil's family came to this decision after deep thought. Neil is a very decent and good hearted boy. I hope you will give him a fair chance," Neela stated.

Avni put her hand on her mother's.

"Ma I know you would never make a choice for me carelessly. I promise to give Neil a fair chance and I hope one day I can fall in love with him too. I hope I don't disappoint him like I did my father," she lamented.

"Avni , your father wasn't perfect but Neil is a better man than he was," Neela declared.

Avni wanted to ask her mother more about what she meant but then Riya and Aman came back with Ali with some snacks.

Neil had her lie on her belly next and he demonstrated each skill first before she would allow herself to try it.

She was a fast learner to his surprise.

"Ok good job wifey. Now let's have a challenge. See that rock over there ?"

She nodded.

"I will race you there!"

She yelped as he splashed water in her face and then they were off.

He won being the stronger swimmer.

He pulled her up higher on the flat rocks. In a moment of passion he kissed her and then moved the straps of her swimsuit down and he kissed the scar of her gunshot wound.

She gasped in surprise and pleasure that she never felt before in her life.

Neil realized their situation suddenly and leaned back and kissed her damp forehead.

"Sorry wifey. I shouldn't have started this here," he said as he fixed her top.

She shivered but kissed his cheek in response.

They walked over to their things and dressed quickly.

He pushed aside her hair to the side and kissed her neck.

"I will ask for a later dinner reservation. We can see the sunset tomorrow," he whispered in her ear.

Avni realized there would be no real dinner tonight. Neil wasn't in the mood for dinner tonight. Their sunset viewing would have to be delayed to tomorrow then they would leave for Florence on the third day.

There was a some heated passion between them when he locked the door of their hotel room.

He undressed himself then her quickly.

He laid her on the bed and covered her with his body.

She was shivering.

"Now let me show what would have happened had you been conscious the other night,"he said huskily.

She blushed.

"Neil I am .."

" I know Avni. Me too but being with you makes me crave this intimacy . I want to show you how much you mean to me," he declared.

"What if I get pregnant?"

"Oh right one second," he stated.

He had not expected their relationship to advance this quickly but the incident in Enzei had changed things.

He returned and laid beside her again.

He growled at her. She laughed nearly falling off the small bed. He scrambled to catch her and the bed cracked slightly.

"Oh Neil what do we do now?," Avni exclaimed.

He smiled mischievously at her and pulled her back into bed.

A few hours later..

Their stomachs were growling. They looked at each other and laughed.

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