This is real

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Author's note: I am sad that Naamkaran is ending in less than a month. I think after this story, I may try to write a story with my own characters, is anyone interested? Hope you enjoy the following update for now. I actually fell down some steps yesterday and bruised my tailbone. Luckily nothing worse happened. I still went to work. Anyways enjoy this update, will  try to update again soon.

Part Nine

Avni moved through the crowded karaoke bar as she left the washroom to go back to Neil. The larger Italian men barely noticed her as she tried to weave herself back into the room.

She suddenly felt claustrophobic and decided instead to go outside to catch some air. Their time here had been fun but now she felt weary. Someone had accidentally nudged her in the chest and stomach as she had walked out.

She took a deep breath. It was a cool night. She opened her phone and texted Neil. Hopefully he got the message. She saw in the distance a taxi stand. A couple of young teenage girls were about to be mugged. Avni ran over to them and grabbed the pickpocket's hand in time.

"Hey what are you doing?"

" You were trying to steal from them, now go before I call the cops!," Avni yelled at him.

He reached in his pocket to grab a knife.

" I will steal from you now, hand over that chain!"

Avni peered at herself.

" Nope. I won't give you this!"

He leaned forward to stab her but someone grasped his hand before he could stab her.

Avni was surprised to see Neil.

"Get the heck away from my wife!"

The man froze.

"He's a cop mister!," Avni hissed.

"Sorry madam," he muttered.

Neil shoved him back and made him drop the knife.

The girls thanked Avni before scurrying off.

Neil grasped her upper arms.

" Are you crazy? He could have killed you,"

"Neil he was going to mug those girls."

"Lekin main tumhe nahin ko sakta," he exclaimed.

She caressed his cheek as he let her go.

"Main bhi tumare bina nahin jee sakti," she admitted.

He hugged her with all his might.

When he stepped back, he asked, " Why did you leave the club?"

" I felt claustrophobic like that night fifteen years ago.."

He grasped her hand.

"Chalo, I will get us a cab back to the hotel."

She nodded.

They would head to Rome next before heading back to Mumbai.

Avni decided to do most of her shopping on their last day in Florence and then complete in Rome.

Neil smiled as she searched for the right gifts for each family member. He would miss his alone time with Avni but he planned to bring her to other places and adventures in the future once the case was settled.

They dropped off their purchases and then had lunch at a small restaurant. Avni wanted to try the local wine. Neil raised en eyebrow.

"Neil one glass won't hurt me," she pleaded.

The waiter rambled on about how a bottle was a better choice but Neil shushed him.

"No my wife is very sensitive to alcohol. Just one glass of this one for her and then I will have this one," Neil stated pointing at the items.

Avni glared at him.

"Avni either this or nothing," he said sternly.

He wasn't going to melt this time.

Avni sighed.

Neil recalled how he had almost lost her days before and he stroked her hand.

She gave him a questioning glance but he shook his head and tried to focus on the present.

location: Rome

Rome is where the couple got the most of the tourist spots and exercise. They laughed as they got lost and nearly missed seeing the Pope at the Vatican. However they made it just in time.

They sat together on the ground like school kids and stared up at him.

Neil turned to see Avni's glowing smile.

He indicated with his hands how he wanted to capture that moment in his heart forever.

Later as they made their way to Alice's pizzeria for a quick bite her held her close and whispered , " I love it when you are happy."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

" You know Neil when I married you, I wasn't sure if I could be a good wife or if we were compatible or not. However after everything that has happened between us in such a short time, I cannot believe how lucky I am. I feel like I am in a dream," she declared.

Neil smiled and pinched her.

"Wifey this is real! You and me together forever," he declared.

He kissed her forehead lovingly.

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