Dinner with the Salvatores

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Chapter Two

"You don't remember?" Matt asked Vicki as we sat in the hospital again.

"I feel fine," Vicki replied and I furrowed my eyebrows. What did she remember about last night? Neither Matt or myself knew what actually happened. Matt and I remembered her freaking out before, screaming loudly when we first arrived, two hours ago. She was sleeping though so we decided to let her rest and both decided to take a now, resting in the stiff hospital chairs.

"Good. Good," Matt repeated so I decided to chime in and clear the air.

"The doctor said you could come hometomorrow," I smiled and Vicki grinned at me.

"Vick, what attacked you in the woods?" Matt asked, again changing the subject back to last night's problems.

"An animal. What else could it have been?" Vicki answered his questioned, with a rhetorical one of her own.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Jeremy asked from behind us. Matt and I turned to face him to see him leaning against the wall infront of the doorway.

"I'm okay," Vicki answered.

"I'm gonna-" Matt began.

"We're gonna go grab a coffee," I interruped, getting out of my seat and grabbing Matt's hand so we could leave.

"Hey Jer," Matt greeted on his way out. When we left Matt gave me a confused look but I decided to play innocent. "I don't know what Vicki's up to. I never do. She's a little out of control and hard to keep up with," I said.

Matt shrugged and chuckled in agreement. He knew I was right. Vicki was on drugs and was a party girl who was messing both with Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood, but Matt only knew about the latter of the two and I wasn't going to be the one to inform him on Vicki's drug supplier, who happened to be his ex girlfriend's little brother who was in my grade.


It was the night of the comet and I was currently sitting next to Tyler on a bench in the crowded town square, while Matt stood infront of us, talking. Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena soon walked over, joining us. Matt approached her and ended up lighting her candle that we were all holding right now. They shared a small moment and then Elena walked off to light a candle a guy was holding. Unknowingly to her though it was Stefan Salvatore who she hasn't talked to in awhile.

Everyone continued to talk for awhile, besides Matt who kept looking over at Elena. I leaned my head on Tyler's shoulder, sighing. "Can we get out of here?" I whispered softly to him.

"And go where?" He asked quietly, looking at our group of friends.

"Anywhere so I don't have to keep looking at my depressing brother's face," I grumbled and he laughed.

"Hey guys, Georgie and I are going to head into the Grill," Tyler stated. Everyone decided to join us instead. I looked at Tyler with a forced smile and he grabbed my hand. "Come on Donovan," he chuckled.

"Don't call me that," I snapped playfully and he laughed at me, leading the way to the Grill with everyone with us. We all gathered around one small table and began talking casually. Everything felt right for once. We were all fine and there was no drama.

"Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" Jeremy asked, approaching our table.

"You're her stalker. You tell us," Tyler quipped and I smacked his arm, hitting his large bicep as his muscular arms were folded across his chest.

"I can't find her," Jeremy said, looking at us all.

"Probably found someone to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, you've been replaced," Tyler replied and I shook my head. He basically ratted Jeremy out infront of his older sister and clearly he wasn't on good terms with my sister.

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