The Founder's Party

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Chapter Three

I left Caroline's side at the pep rally and went searching for Vicki who had texted me she had just got here. When I found her she was waiting far back from the gathering going on for the speech by Mr. Tanner, my history teacher and the football coach for our school.

"Hey," I greeted Vicki, jogging to her side. She hugged me tightly and we rocked side to side. I was glad she was in a good mood. I didn't know why and I didn't care. Vicki and I pulled apart to begin talking casually. "Hey let's go over there where everyone else is," I told her, dragging her to where I was before.

We were almost there when Tyler past through the crowd and came over to us the moment he spotted us. I dropped my arm from Vicki's as she walked closer and smiled, "hey babe. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he answered, looking over at me for a minute. I looked away from his chocolate brown eyes and began tugging on my skirt. I was still ignoring Tyler Lockwood and I didn't know when I was going to start talking to him. "Is that Jeremy?" Tyler asked Vicki.

"Oh, no, Ty. No. Leave him alone."

"What do you care?" Tyler scoffed before approaching Jeremy who got up, holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand. "Don't look so down," Tyler smirked, "you can have her when I'm done."

I gasped in shock and disgust but then covered my mouth when Jeremy punched Tyler. I gulped and took a step closer but Vicki stopped me. Tyler pushed Jeremy back into a truck and they began fighting. "Stop it!" I shouted, pushing Vicki's arm off of me.

"Tyler! Tyler stop," Vicki pleaded helplessly. When I got closer, Tyler was on top of Jeremy punching him repeatedly. I grabbed onto Tyler's jersey and began tugging on it. Jeremy managed to flip him over and I back up in fear. Jeremy got in one good punch before he was back on the bottom. "Ty! Stop, you're hurting him!" I screamed.

"Stefan," I shouted as I saw him rushing over. He looked at me and gave me a nod before approaching the boys, "hey, he's down. Enough." Stefan grabbed Ty's fist as he went to hit Jeremy again.

Tyler got to his feet and glared at Stefan before sending a punch right to Stefan's abdomen. I gaped at Tyler before gaping at Stefan who didn't even flinch and kept on his serious face. I stepped to the side, being hugged by Vicki when I saw Jeremy crawl and grab a broken piece of glass from the alcohol bottle he had before. It was the top half of the bottle. Oh no!

Tyler went to punch Stefan in the face and Stefan blocked it but just then Jeremy charged at Tyler and missed and seemed to slash Stefan's hand instead. Oh god. No. "Tyler, knock it off," Matt demanded, running over and practically bulldozing Tyler to the ground.

"Get off of me," Tyler grunted.


"What the hell, Jeremy?" Elena hissed, running over to her brother who was hurt. Vicki pulled away from me, handing me her purse, and ran to Matt and Tyler's side. I ran over to Stefan in the mean time and grabbed his bloody hand. "Are you okay?" I asked, digging through Vicki's small purse and sighed in relief when I found a napkin.

"I'm fine," Stefan said as I placed the napkin over his hand, cleaning up the blood. I frowned when I didn't see a cut there. "Oh my god, your hand," Elena panicked, coming over to us.

"No, no, no, it's fine," Stefan assured and I nodded. He didn't get hit I guess.

"Is it deep? How bad is it?" She asked and I walked off to let him calm her down. It obviously wasn't his blood, I guess. I looked at Vicki standing where Matt and Tyler were last time I saw them. "Go home!" I called to her and she nodded.

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