Stefan Turns 162

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Chapter Six

I was sitting on the bed with Elena and Bonnie. We were in Elena's bedroom and Bonnie was trying to cheer us up currently. She was going to show us something. We just promised not to tell anyone, we swore on it. "There's no windows open, right?" Bonnie asked, sitting across from us.

"Right," Elena stated.

"There's no fan, no air conditioning," Bonnie continued.

"None. What are you doing?" Elena asked as we stared at the pillow Bonnie ripped moments before. We were both depressed and confused right now.

"Grams just showed me this. You're gonna love it," Bonnie grinned. "You ready?" We both nodded and place her hand over the open pillow and a feather soon floated up.

"Bonnie, what's going on?" Elena asked after we watched Bonnie make it levitate, moving it around her. Bonnie didn't answer she just started over using both hands and picked up about ten feathers. She stopped again and without moving her hands this time she had all the feathers floating around us. "It's true Elena, Georgie. Everything my Grams told me is true," Bonnie stated, "It's impossible, and it's true."

Elena and I were standing up playing with the feathers. We were both in complete and utter shock. "I'm a witch," Bonnie stated. Vampires and witches? What else could there possibly be out there?

"We believe you," Elena answered.

"It's weird, huh? After all this time joking about being psychic. I really am a witch. You don't think I'm a freak now, do you?" Bonnie asked us.

"No, of course not," I stated and Elena shook her head.

"Bonnie, I just-I don't understand, though," Elena frowned. "If your grams asked you to keep this a secret, why did you tell us?"

"You're two of my best friends. I can't keep secrets from you two," she answered. Elena and I shared a guilty look before looking away from one another. Yep, I felt like scum now. That's what I get for being a liar.


"Amazing party, right?" Caroline asked, walking over to me and Damon, who were both sitting at the bar. I didn't want to be here but Caroline insisted I come. So I was resorting to bugging Damon and it was rather easy since he was in a bad mood already. But I knew he was controlling himself, not to say or something to me that he'd regret. "Glad you thought of it," Damon smiled forcefully and I held back a laugh.

"Are you having a good time?" Care asked him, ignoring, her best friend. Hello?!

"Do you have my crystal?"

"No," she frowned.

"Then I'm not having a good time," Damon snarled and this time I did let out a laugh. I faked it as a coffee though when Caroline sent me a glare. He got up, looked at me, then got up and walked past Caroline who looked hurt by that one small action.

I watched Damon head through the crowd over to a blonde girl. I knew her. That was Stefan's BFF, Lexi. She was a vampire, much older than Damon and Stefan. Damon informed me she was only visiting because it was Stefan's birthday. I didn't know how old he was. I didn't even know it was his birthday until a few hours ago, which is after the last time I saw Stefan, which was at the station. I couldn't wait to see the birthday boy though. Damon said he was coming tonight.

"Are you okay?" I asked Care.

"Yup," she croaked, walking off quickly. I decided to give her some space right now.

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