Career Night

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Chapter Seven

I stood with Tyler in the morning, before school started. Since Stefan and Damon were leaving I probably wouldn't have any reason to ditch Tyler anymore. Tyler was standing infront of me with his arms around my waist. "Why don't we go out tonight?" Tyler suggested and I raised an eyebrow.

"Like on our first official date?" I grinned.

"Yes," he said.

"Did you tell Matt about us? Well, a future us. I don't want have to go telling my big brother that I have a crush on his best friend," I replied.

"Speaking of Matt," Tyler trailed off. Caroline and Matt walked by us, not notcing us at all as they talked with smiles on their face. "Do you know what that's about?" Ty asked me.

"She was drunk and he carried her home, stayed the night. He liked it or something and stayed the night again," I explained simply.



"Nothing, just shocked. It's weird seeing thinking about the fact Caroline is friends with Elena," he shrugged.

"We're weird. You dated my sister," I emphasized and he chuckled.

"And if I'm lucky I'll date you," he smirked.

"If you're lucky," I teased, kissing his cheek.

"I have to go," I said.

"What?" He frowned.

"I need to go to my locker. The bell is about to ringht," I explained and he sighed.

"Are we going to hang out tonight?"

"No, tonight is career night. I'm going with Matt. You have to go too, remember? Your daddy said so," I stated and he sighed.

"Fine, we'll plan for another day."

"I'm okay with that," I smiled.


"So, what's up with you and Forbes?" Tyler asked my brother as they played basketball after school. They were staying after until career night. I wasn't sure if I was or not.

"Nothing's up," Matt said.

"I saw you two in the hall today. Don't even try and deny it, bro. You're tapping that."

"No. It's not like that."

"Never is. 'Til you become we people."

"'We people'?" Matt questioned what I was thinking. I finally made myself known to the two gentleman and I walked over ot my brother who had the ball. "Yeah," Ty said slowly, staring at me, looking me up and down.

"Hey Matt," I greeted.

"Hey Georgie. Are you staying after?"

"I don't know. Elena is talking to Stefan. I'm going to see what's going on and find out if one of them want to hang out," I shrugged.

"You should just stay with us," Ty said.

"Should I?" I smirked and he nodded. I walked over to him and wrapped my hands around his neck. He smiled and gripped my hips before picking me up and putting me down to the side of him. I frowned and watched as he looked at me ready to take a shot. "Anyways, explain this, 'we people', thing," Matt chuckled.

"Like "we never miss a party." "We'll never miss a game." "We don't like the color red."," Ty answered, giving examples.

"We hung out like twice," Matt said taking a shot.

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