Opening the Tomb

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Chapter Eleven

"Ten kegs? You know how much damage we could do with ten kegs?" Tyler asked Matt.

"Duke's got it all hooked up," Tyler grinned. I rolled my eyes, walking over to him and my brother who was working currently. "Duke's a douche," Matt said and I chuckled.

Tyler and Matt both looked over at me. Ty ran over to me and picked me up, hugging me tightly. "What's so funny?" He asked me.

"What Matt said," I smiled.

"Well, yeah, he's a douche with 10 kegs. AKA, my new best friend," Tyler retorted, putting me down and looking over at Matt. I rolled my eyes at Tyler and we heard someone chuckle. I looked over to see Jeremy. "What's the problem, Gilbert?" Tyler asked, his good mood diminishing in a flash.

"Don't have one, Lockwood," Jeremy replied.

"Yeah, I didn't think so."

"Do you ever get bored of it it?" Matt asked Ty.

"Of what?"

"Yourself," Matt smirked and I smiled at my older brother, hugging him from the side as he carried a basket of dirty dishes.

Jeremy laughed lightly, catching Tyler's attention, "keep laughing buddy." Matt walked off and I walked over to Tyler who was playing pool by himself. Lame. I watched Caroline come over to talk to Jeremy about Elena. She already asked me if I knew where Elena and Bonnie were and I had no clue.

Caroline waved to me before going over to my brother to talk to him. I didn't know what was going on between them and I didn't care. I had my own things to deal with. One of those things being Tyler. "So are you going to ignore me?" I asked Tyler.

"What? I'm not ignoring you," Tyler said.

"So, you're going to this party?" I asked.

"Yeah, course. Duke is awesome," Tyler smiled.

"Because he buys the beer?"

"Yeah, pretty much. So, I didn't ask about it yesterday, but speaking of drinking, when did you start?" He asked.

"Damon, Elena, and I went to Georgia. We all got drunk and had a blast for a short while before I regretted because things got twisted and I couldn't think straight," I explained and he nodded slowly.

"So are you done experimenting or is something you like?" He asked.

"If you ask me to go to this party, I'll probably have a drink," I answered, smiling shyly.

"Will you go to Duke's party with me Georgina Donovan?" He smirked.

"Of course," I smiled, hugging him. He laughed and looked around before grabbing my chin and pecking my lips. I blushed and raised an eyebrow at him, "what was that for?"

"Just because I felt like it," he shrugged and I chuckled. I hung out with Tyler for a few hours, getting a text from Damon telling me, "the tomb opens tonight. At sundown, we'll have to go to the church. Be ready."

"Um...I'm going to this party by the old cementary. I'll meet you there, I promise," I texted him back.

"So what should I wear to this party?" I asked Ty, putting my phone down after getting Elena's text that she needed my help with dealing with Damon.

"Something sexy and leggy."

"So long jeans and-"

"Tight dress or short skirt-"

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