Miss Mystic Falls

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Chapter Seventeen

"Before I crown the winner, I'd like to offer a personal thank you to all of these young ladies for their efforts to better our community," Mr. Lockwood stated. All of us girls were on a stage. This whole thing finally done with. I had tons of fun but now it was time to get business and that meant find Stefan.

"So without further ado it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls, Miss Caroline Forbes," Mr. Lockwood finished. Caroline turned to look at Elena and I who were behind her.

"Congratulations," Elena and I both grinned.

"I actually won," Caroline cried, hugging me then Elena. She then stepped forward and had a sach placed over her reading, "Miss Mystic Falls". After that we all left the stage and I made my way over to Damon with Elena behind me.

When we got to him he grabbed our arms and began ushering us out the crowded room. "Did you find him?" Elena asked as we stood infront of Damon.

"There were signs of a struggle in the bathroom," Damon informed us, "There was blood. And that Amber girl is missing."

"Oh, my God," I frowned as Elena gasped, covering her mouth in worry.

"No, he wouldn't hurt her. He won't," Elena declared.

"Let's just find him, okay? Let's get your coats. Come on," he said, tugging us along. We grabbed our jackets and then found ourselves heading outside when we heard a scream. We found Stefan and he was biting into that Amber girl. "Stefan!" I shouted.

He let her go and she fell to the ground. He turned to us revealing blood all in and around his mouth as he stared us with his mouth agape. "Stefan," Damon said cautiously. "Come on. Get control, come on."

Damon pushed Elena and I back away from the scene. "It's okay. Come on," Damon coaxed but Stefan didn't budge, just stared at us all.

"Breathe through it, man," Damon said softly, getting close and reaching for him. Stefan picked him up and flung him into a tree. "Damon!" I screamed. Stefan began stalking over to Damon who got right on his feet.

"Stefan! Stop it!" Elena cried. Suddenly Stefan began groaning loudly in pain, crumbling to his knees, and holding his head. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Worried about him. I turned around and so did Elena to see Bonnie. She was doing this to him. "Bonnie, that's enough. Stop," I ordered.

She didn't stop for quite awhile. When she did Stefan stood up looking confused, scared, and sort of guilty. "It's okay. Stefan," Damon whispered, inching towards him. Stefan began backing away and then took off into the woods.

Damon ended up calling the sheriff and we all waited around. An ambulance came and they took care of Amber, who Damon compelled. "She doesn't remember what happened," Sheriff Forbes told Damon.

"It's a good thing the girls got here. She lost a lot of blood," Damon replied. Elena, Bonnie, and I, clutching our jackets around us and standing a few feet behind Damon.

"You didn't see anything?" Liz, the sheriff asked us. I looked at Bonnie and Elena. Bonnie hesitantly shook her head no and Elena did the same. "No, we just found her and then called Damon," I stated.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Bonnie asked.

"It looks like it, yeah," Liz answered. "Why don't you girls get back to the party. Damon and I can take it from here."

"Yeah," Damon agreed and I frowned, walking to him and hugging him. He held me tightly and kissed my head. "Go ahead, Georgie. I'll be in soon," he promised, kissing the top of my head. I nodded, "okay."

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