Sexy Suds Car Wash

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Chapter Four

"Where's Damon?" Caroline asked Stefan when we reached him and Elena. Apparently Damon has been completely MIA for the last three days. "He's gone," Stefan answered and I frowned both in sadness and confusion.

"When's he coming back?"

"He's not coming back. I'm sorry," Stefan apologized.

"This is a good thing, Caroline," Elena told Care, rubbing her arm to comfort her.

"I know that," Care muttered before walking away. I sighed and looked Elena, raising an eyebrow. I was informed on what Elena found with Caroline, bruises all over her body. I was Care's best friend though. It just seemed weird to me that Damon came off as this sweet bad boy when really he was abusive.

It was just hard to believe. Caroline was strong, outgoing, and opionated. If something was wrong she would have told us and if Damon wasn't treating her right then she wouldn't have stayed with him. I have yet to see the marks on Caroline since she won't show them to me. I believe Elena though I just don't understand it all. Damon and I were friends, and to be honest I didn't think he was that bad. Then again I don't know what to think anymore.

"You know your sister has been spending the night at my place, right?" Elena asked me.

"Seriously?" I questioned in disbelief. I was wondering about Vicki. At least Elena's house is safer than on the street. Thank god for that.


The next day was the car wash. I arrived with Matt and now I was glued to my bestie's side. She was giving out rules currently, "no friend discounts. No freebies. No pay-you-laters. We are not running a charity here."

I laughed under my breath, avoiding Care's wrath. "No, we are not," Elena replied and I smiled at her looking slightly amused herself.

"Hi," Stefan said, coming behind her.

"Hey," Elena chirped, standing up.

"Um, the event is called Sexy Suds, you know?" Caroline ruined their moment. I shook my head, apologizing for her and then walked away from the couple to give them alone time. Care was really strict about the dressing sexy spart. She even manage to get me in an all red bikini. Yeah I loved the colors red and purple, they were my favorite so I tended to wear them a lot.

I decided to join my big bro and Bonnie to wash a car. Only problem was Matt was staring at Elena and Stefan, looking cute and happy. "Uh-uh. No. None of that tortured pining stuff," Bonnie told Matt.

"You tell him Bon," I smirked.

"I'm just observing," Matt defended.

"Uh-huh," we both scoffed in disbelief. Bonnie called over this girl Tiki and told her to get a car that just pulled up. Well Tiki was being a b*tch as usual and karma hit her ass because next thing you know the hose she went to grab sprayed all over her. Hilarious. "Yeah, Tiki, your a POS," I stated, smirking at her.

Bonnie got out of her trance and chuckled, high fiving me on that one. Matt on the other hand went to help her and laughed, handing her a towel to drive. "Wet and wild Tik," Matt smiled, walking off.

I decided to leave to and to go track down Caroline to see if she needed anything because I wasn't in the mood to clean anymore cars. I found Caroline inside the deserted school running down a hall. I caught her in my arms and looked at her in confusion. "Care, what's wrong?" I asked and she began to break down.

"Damon, I'm seeing him everywhere. He needs help. I have to help him and you have to help me, please?" She begged.

"Yeah, anything for you. I'm your bestfriend, I always have your back. Let's go save Damon," I said and she nodded. We left the car wash and hopped in her car in a hurry.

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