The Decade Dance

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Chapter Nine

"It's so pretty. Thank you. God, it'll go with, like, everything," Caroline smiled as Elena, Caroline, and I walked out of school. Yeah, yesterday when I got home it was late. Matt was already home and I got an earful from him. Elena called later that night and filled me in. She had went with Damon to his house to speak to Stefan.

Well, apparently Elena was adopted. It was shocking news but she accepted it and confronted Jenna about it when Jenna was scolding her when she got home. Stefan had given Elena all this jewlery filled with a vervain so this morning before school I was with her helping her choose which one to give all of our friends. And Caroline got a necklace.

"What's the occasion?" Care asked.

"No occasion. Just a little friend gift," Elena shrugged and I nodded in agreement.

"A lesbian friend gift, because we're freaky like that."

"Your frienship is important to us," Elena smiled as we all sat down at a table.

"Why are you guys being so mushy?"

"Because you've been avoiding me," Elena stated and I stayed out of this conversation. Elena and I have gotten super close. All last year, Care and I were glued at the hip while Bonnie and Elena were the same way even though we all hung out together some times. Well, this year Bonnie and I started out the closest because of the Stefan and Elena hooking up and the Damon and Caroline hooking up, leaving us both single. Well, after the other day in Atlanta, we've been super close.

It was really only us two who knew about everything and we needed someone to talk to about it all besides the Salvatore brothers. Sure, Bonnie knew, but she wasn't ready to accept that she knew and be comfortable with the situation. She was still adapting to the fact she was a witch.

Thankfully I missed the girls conversation about dating my brother. Gag me. I got up and spotted Tyler. I ran over to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry I didn't call, text, or see you. I'm here now though," I rushed out.

"It's fine," Tyler shrugged and I let him go.

"What's fine?"

"You're busy I get it."

"I know-"

"Georgie, it's fine. Hey, I gotta go-"

"Wait. I wanted to hang out."

"Yeah, well I don't," he stated and I frowned.

"Why are you acting like this?" I whispered.

"Because you're a liar. I get it. You just want to be friends. Make that clear and tell me the truth next time, that you're on a trip with Damon. I don't like the guy but it's none of my business who you date. Just don't string me along," he said, getting into his car.

I gulped and backed away, letting him drive off. I sighed and went to find Matt. I needed a ride home now. I waited for Matt by his pickup truck. When he got there he greeted me kindly. I'm guessing he didn't know that my trip away to Georgia was with Damon and Elena. I told him the same thing I told Tyler, I was with Elena, only. Well, Ty knows. I'm surprised he didn't tell Matt, who hadn't mentioned Damon once.

Matt said he wasn't going home. He was going to the Grill to apply for a job. I told him I'd work too but he rejected that idea saying I needed to focus on school. I went with him to the Grill anyways though. I found Bonnie and Elena here so I joined them as Elena filled Bonnie in about being adopted.

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