Handing Over the Device

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Chapter Nineteen

"Hey, man," Tyler greeted Matt. I had decided to help him with the float idea and well it went really well. We didn't talk about our relationship. We planned the float and had a lot of fun. I'm not a perfect drawer but Tyler was there to modify anything I attempted to draw. It was just good to have a friend that was normal and wasn't involved in all this vampire stuff.

Everyone was doing the last finishing touches to the floats because tomorrow was Founder's Day. "Yeah?" Matt called back, waving to me as I stood a few feet behind Tyler. I told him it wasn't a good idea to talk to Matt right now, but did he listen? No, of course not.

"So Caroline tells me you've been on your own the past few weeks," Tyler began. Since when did he and Caroline ever talk. He thinks she's the most annoying girl in the world and she thinks he's a complete and total douche. "Is everything okay?" Ty asked.

"You're asking me about my mom? Seriously?" Matt scoffed. Tyler was such a dumb ass. I don't know why I even bother with him at all. We were getting back to that friend stage but he wasn't looking too good now. Why did he even care about my mom? He said it was a mistake so he needs to back off.

"Look man, why don't I have her give you a call when she blows through?" Matt suggested sarcastically and I smiled, high fiving him before walking off. I didn't want to listen to them talk about Tyler and mom. It was still a painful subject for me.

I got a text from Bonnie saying to come meet her. I ignored it of course. I still wasn't on good terms with her. She hasn't been a good friend and I'm not in the mood to talk to her now. Of course Elena then asked me to join them so I did. "Hey, thanks for meeting me," Bonnie said, smiling weakly at us.

Elena and I both entered the science room and walked over to her where she was by a desk. We stood next to her and looked at her questioningly. "I wanted you guys to come see this," Bonnie stated.

"Is that Emily's spell book?" I asked. Bonnie simply nodded.

"I've been going through it since Grams died... Check this out," she said, show us an open page. Elena and I looked at the picture to the side and I frowned. Why was this in here?

"That's the vampire compass," Elena stated. Yeah, I know. What did Emily know about it?

"Yeah," Bonnie said. "According to Emily, Johnathan Gilber never actually succeeded in inventing anything. Emily secretly spelled them all with magic. Compass. Rings. The mystery device you told me about." Elena told her about the device? I'm guessing they made up then. 

"Yeah, that's it," Elena identified as Bonnie flipped the page and there was a picture of the device, which was the one Isobel and John wanted.

"Well, part of it. Damon only has one piece," I clarified.

"Emily pledged her loyalty to Katherine. But she couldn't stand by and watch innocent people get killed. This was the only way she could think of to help... to let Johnathan Gilbert believe he'd actually invented these devices."

"Does it say what it does?" I asked. Elena flipped over the page and Bonnie began readinth the sloppily, hand-written, words that were in a foreign, probably dead, language. "Are you sure this is what Isobel wants?" Bonnie frowned.

"Yeah, we're sure. Why?" Elena questioned.

"This is a weapon. Against vampires," Bonnie stated. I left the room immediately and went to call Damon. I waited outside the classroom for Elena though. "Hey, Georgie," Damon answered the phone happily.

"Not to ruin your good mood, but I have something to tell you. The device that Isobel and John want is harmful to vampires," I told him.


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