Kelly Donovan Returns

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Chapter Twelve

"No. Buzkill Bob," Damon groaned as Stefan and I walked into the living room. I went over and cut off the music, taking in the scene infront of me. Now I see why Stefan wanted me to come over. Damon was wild right now. "Greetings," Damon said.

"Can we talk?" Stefan asked.


"Without the Tri-Delts?" I added and Damon smiled at me.

"Anything you guys have to say to me you can say in front of them," Damon replied. "They're really good at keeping secrets."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Damon. I pulled the compelled skank away from him and then grabbed him by his wrists and tugged him to the side. Stefan came over and we all stood around to talk. "You're worried about me. That's nice," Damon smiled at me, petting my head.

I smacked his hands away angrily. I had to cancel on Tyler to come here. Tyler wanted me over his place to hang out and I had agreed until Stefan begged me to talk some sense into Damon. I loved Damon to death, he was my friend, but right now he was drunk, on edge, and acting like a dick to me. "Don't be. There's no need, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Damon asked, looking at Stefan this time.

"I spent the last 145 years with one goal: Get in that tomb. I succeeded. Granted, Katherine wasn't in there to be rescued, but why dwell?" Damon smirked.

"Okay, I'm not going to listen to this. You're out of control. Cut the bullshit. I'm your best friend, probably your only friend. Cry to Stefan later after he takes me back home. RIght now, get sober, compell these girls to forget everything, and take them home," I ordered, walking off and I heard Damon scoff.

"Georgie, why don't you party with us?" Damon asked. Stefan and Damon continued to talk and Stefan changed the subject to Isobel, the name of Elena's mom, and also the name of Mr. Saltzman's wife. Yeah, coincidence? Maybe, but I promised to help Stefan figure it all out. I'm the only one who knows that Damon apparently killed Mr. Saltzman's wife. Stefan and I wanted to know if the same woman was also Elena's mom, and we were praying it wasn't.

Stefan soon took me home after Damon and I made up. He apologized and hugged me tight, giving me this sob story that I actually fell for. But to be honest I did feel bad for him. The girl he loved wasn't a damsel in distress and never actually cared about him. It had to hurt. Especially because he longed for her his whole immortal life, well, up until now, hopefully.


I landed hard on Tyler's bed, groaning in annoyance. My boyfriend simply chuckled and joined me on the bed, laying right next to me. He leaned over me and brushed some of my hair out of my face.

Stefan and I were last together hours ago. He took me home and I showed up in time to meet my mother at the front door. I was shocked to say the least since I haven't seen her in I don't even know how many months. Then me and mother dearest walked into the house to find Caroline and Matt in an intense make out session. It was traumatizing to say the least.

"What now?" Tyler asked, looking mutual about my attitude. He was kind enough to come pick me up from my house and bring me here.

"My mother is back," I stated.

"What? Kelly's back?"

"Yes. She's already pissing me off."

"I'm sorry," Tyler said sincerely and I smiled.

"Get my mind off it? Please," I begged and he nodded.

"Um, how's everyone else? Your friends at least? How's Bonnie, Elena, or Stefan? Weren't you with Stefan this morning?" He asked and I nodded.

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