Founder's Day Party

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Chapter Fifteen

I walked around school looking for my boyfriend. It's been a few days since Vicki's funeral. Yeah, it sucked. I mean, the ceremony went well but I felt like crap. I had to give a speech about her and I felt super guilty looking at all the sad people who didn't know the truth as I spoke about her 'tragic overdose.'

When I found my boyfriend I wasn't too happy. He was sitting next to Jeremy, smoking weed and offering Jeremy some. "What's your problem?" I heard Ty ask as I got closer.

"I just don't want any," Jeremy said.

"All right," Ty shrugged. They both sat in silence and then I finally reached them. I hit Tyler upside the back of his head and he dropped what was in his hand and turned to face me. He looked pissed before he saw it was me and then that angry expression turned into one of absolute guilt before he covered it, pretending that he didn't care that I caught him. There's his cool act again. "Hey babe," he greeted casually.

"Don't call me babe," I said, feeling exasperated. My life was stressful enough. I didn't have time for this. I walked off and Tyler didn't bother to chase me. Well, thanks. I went straight to class, not in the mood to deal with anyone. I wanted to skip school again but I couldn't. Damon told me he was busy attending a concil meeting. I'd get answers from him later.


After a long day of school I went straight home. I didn't feel like doing anything today. I locked myself in my room and laid in my bed. I just wanted to relax for awhile before something came up. Tonight I had the Founder's Day party to go to. And I wasn't going with Tyler, shocker.

After listening to music and laying in bed for a few hours I decided to get dressed. I pulled on a dark blue to lavender gradient dress that was made of a million sequins. I matched it with royal blue heels, earrings, and a necklace.

My dress was strapless and came midthigh. It had a heart shaped neckline, showing some cleavage. I thought I looked rather adorable. I loved this dress. At the top it was royal blue fading into violet then to this mauve-ish purple and lastly a bright lavander at the bottom.

Once I was ready to go I met Matt downstairs. He was actually going to this party, surprisingly. He usually didn't go. My mom was also going though, just great. Who cares, I'll ditch them at the party. We left the house on time and ended up at the party about twenty minutes after we started.

We got inside and looked around and then Matt spotted Tyler. He asked me if I was going over to say hi and I shook my head. "Nope, I'm going to wait for anyone else I know," I said and Matt nodded in confusion before taking off with my mom on his heels.

"That would be us. It would be rude to skip it," I heard someone speaking and I smiled, knowing that voice anywhere, Damon. I turned around to see both of the Salvatore brothers dressed in all black suits. I walked over to them, slipping my arm around Damon's and the other around Stefan's coming in between them as Stefan said, "I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody."

"Oh, I still do. I just love that they love me," Damon smirked, looking down at me. He looked me over for a second before meeting my blue eyes with his own. "You look cute," Damon complimented and I smiled.

"Thank you, you both clean up well, very dashing Salvatores," I replied.

"Hi Georgie," Stefan greeted. "And Damon's actually right about something, you look beautiful Ms. Donovan."

"How you feeling?" I asked Stefan.

"I'm good. I'm fine," he answered quickly.

"No cravings, no urges?" Damon taunted and I elbowed him in the stomach, but of course it didn't hurt him one bit. He probably didn't even feel it. "Is that whiskey you've been drinking all day doing its job?" Damon asked and I raised an eyebrow. Stefan drinking?

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