Georgie Goes to Georgia

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Chapter Eight

I woke up in the middle of the night due to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered, groggily.

"Hey, it's Stefan. Is Elena with you?" He asked.

"No. I'm at home, trying to sleep."


"It's fine Stef. You're my friend, tell me what's going on," I replied, sitting up in bed. It was time for me to get up anyways. Damon was coming to pick me up so I could skip school again. We were going on a road trip!

"Katherine, my ex...well, Elena looks exactly like her. And Elena found a picture of her tonightand just left," he said.

"What? Okay, that's crazy. Um, I'll get in touch with her I promise. I'll call you later. Right now I have to meet Damon. He's taking me out to explain all his motives. I'll fill you in later bestie," I smiled, climbing out of bed.

"You're not angry?"

"For what?"

"The Katherine and Elena thing."

"No. You're the perfect guy for Elena, Stefan. You love her, don't you?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Then why would I be mad. I believe you," I stated.

"Thank you... Have fun with Damon. Please be careful. I know he cares about you but he's on edge after everything that has happened," he replied.

"I'll be safe. If anything goes wrong, you'll be the first one I call," I assured and then we ended the phone call. After I talked to my other bestie, Damon, I'll get more answers from Stefan and decide what I'm going to do. Damon is working with Logan Fell, AKA the bad guy who kidnapped me!

I showered, brushed my teeth, and washed my face, which was starting to break out. Being a teen sucked. I got dressed wearing a cute purple halter top, light blue short jean shorts with splatter paint on them, and a pair of purple flip flops. Damon said to dress warm so I was going to do so.

I left my natural curly hair alone. Placing a head band and that was it so the curls didn't fly in my face all day long. I heard a knock and I looked around in fear before my eyes spotted on my window, which was being opened. "It's just me," Damon said.

"Hey," I greeted, sighing in relief. I hugged him and then let him look over my outfit.

"You look hot," he winked, grabbing my hips.

"Ew. Don't flirt with me Damon," I teased.

"Oh that's not me flirting," he smirked and I rolled my eyes/

"Let's go," I said and then he picked me up. In a flash we were on the ground but I knew exactly how we got here. He jumped out of my window. I felt us falling! "You are trying to kill me," I growled and he chuckled, putting me down.

We both hopped in his blue Camaro and he began driving. We were on the road for about half an hour and in that time I was calling and texting Elena. I didn't get one response back. I sighed and gave up. I'll try again later.

"Oh, no," Damon mumbled.


"Shh..." he hissed, slowing down. I looked around but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Damon cursed under his breath and started speeding down the beltway. He pulled over quickly and looked at me, "stay in the car, I'll be right back."

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