Halloween Party

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Chapter Five

Damon and I ended up at the school. Damon put me down, telling me to stand back. I nodded and then soon saw Tyler and Vicki jump out of Tyler's car with Vicki on top of him. Stefan quickly pulled Vicki off Tyler and Damon grabbed Tyler, who pulled away quickly.

"What's going on here Stefan? What's wrong with her?" Tyler asked.

"You don't talk," Damon ordered.

"Screw you, dude."

"'Dude'? Really? 'Dude'?" Damon exclaimed, glaring at Tyler.

"Damon, don't," I warned, running over to his side.

"Oh, come on. Who's going to miss this idiot?" Damon asked. Tyler out of rage punched Damon in the face but it did nothing to the blue eyed vampire. "Don't you hurt him," Vicki growled, being restrained by Stefan.

Damon wrapped a hand around Tyler's throat and Ty began struggling to get his hand off so he could breathe. I grabbed Damon's free hand, squeezing it, tryign to get him to let go of Tyler. "Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here," Damon said, compelling him, which was mind control vampires had, according to Stefan.

Damon tossed Tyler far away before picking me up and flashing us out of the school's empty parking lot and to the Salvatore Boarding House. "I'm tired," I said and Damon smirked.

"Well, you can stay in my room tonight. Vicki is in Stefan's room," Damon said.

"Whatever, just don't touch me," I warned and he rolled his eyes.

"You don't like to cuddle?"

"With you? No. I'm still pissed off with you," I stated and he put his hands up in surrender.


The next morning all four of us sat in Stefan's room. I was sitting on Stefan's desk, talking to Damon who sat in the chair behind the desk. Vicki was sitting on a couch and Stefan was in a chair across from her. "Matty?" Vicki called over the phone. Yeah she has to call him.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Vicki said, "No, Matty. I just need some time to figure things out. Just know that I'm okay, okay? Please don't worry about me."

"I don't understand why I have to stay cooped up here. Why can't I go home?"

"Because you're going to put everyone we love at danger," I answered for Stefan.

"There's nothing about that Logan guy I killed in here. Not a word," Damon mused, looking through the newspaper. "Someone's covering it up."

"What is that?" I asked Damon, referring to thing in his hand.

"This is a very special, very old compass," he answered. "What was Logan Fell doing with it? Aren't you curious?"

"Well, if you're so worried that somebody's onto you, leave town," Stefan suggested and I snickered, causing Damon to glare at me.

"We should all be worried."

"Hey, I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Vicki questioned. Stefan got up and grabbed a cup and gave it to her.

"What is it?"

"It's what you're craving," Stefan answered.

"Ha. Don't lie to the girl. It's so not what you're craving, but it'll do in a pinch. Right Stef?" Damon questioned with a smirk.

"Stop," I whispered, kicking him.

"What is it?" Vicki repeated.

"Yeah, what is it?" Damon mocked. "Is it skunk? St. Bernard? Bambi?"

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