Saving Saint Stefan

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Chapter Fourteen

I was sat in the living room, watching Damon as he attempted to fix this old clock. Stefan walked into the room all dressed and ready to go out. "Hunting party?" Damon asked.

"Guy did a number on me last night. I gotta get my strength back," Stefan said.

"I have two liters of soccer mom in the fridge," Damon taunted. "No?"

"We'll talk when I get back."

"Give my regards to the squirrels."

"I'll be back Georgie."

"Be safe Stefan," I called out as he went to leave. He nodded and smiled at me before leaving.

"I don't get why you like him so much," Damon complained and I scoffed.

"He's your brother. He's awesome too. He's nice and caring along with prety epic, he kicks ass sometimes," I smirked and Damon shook his head.

"He's a bunny eater."

"And? I don't even like bunnies."

"Liar," Damon whispered and I laughed. I liked bunnies. They were rather cute. Damon got down off the ladder he was on and poured himself a drink. "So you and Tyler? Serious, huh?" He questioned.

"I'd say so, yes," I smiled, nodding to myself. Damon nodded and sat next to me. We talked for a few hours before I brought up Stefan. "Shouldn't he be back by now?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah. Maybe. He might be over Elena's," Damon muttered, taking his phone. We both spent a few minutes taking turns calling Stefan. When we realized we weren't going to get in touch with him Damon began calling Elena non stop while taking me home so I could shower and get some clothes.

After I was dressed and he still didn't get a hold of either one of them I decided we should go over Elena's instead. We stood on her front porch while it was pouring rain outside. I knocked on the door and it soon opened, revealing Elena. "You're ignoring me," Damon said.

"The six missed calls? Sorry, my phone's dead," Elena replied after we both walked in. She gave me a small hug seeing I was kind of wet from the rain.

"Is Stefan here?" Damon asked.

"No. Why? Is something wrong."

"He went out in the woods and didn't come back," I said.

"We can't get him on his phone, we figured he was here with you," Damon stated, taking out his phone, no doubt calling Stefan for the billionth time. It was cute how worried he was. I was super worried to but it wasn't a secret that I cared about Stefan's well being.

Elena called Stefan with her phone that she had in her hand and said, "it's going stright to vocemail." Oh god. Where's Steffy? I was getting scared especially after everything last night. I just needed him to be okay.

"Where could he be?" Elena asked.

"You're not gonna like what I'm thinking," Damon muttered.


Damon and I stood outside on the front porch of some house. This is where Pearl, Anna's mother lived. We were coming to see her since she was in charge of the tomb vampires according to what Damon told me, earlier when he filled me in on anything I missed yesterday since I was with Tyler all day.

"Pearl, open this door," Damon demanded, knocking on the front door. He was pissed and I was just scared right now. We had Elena waiting in the car right now. I was told to stay too but I was too stubborn to listen. Plus Damon and I never do anything without each other. We were both prone to being in dangerous situations and needing to be saved. I wasn't going to let him walk into a death trap alone, without me there to rescue him.

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