Isobel Comes to Mystic Falls

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Chapter Eighteen

I woke up next to Damon who was sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard, drinking whiskey already. "Morning," I whispered, sitting up in bed.

"Morning, sleepy head. Wake up, I have to give your present. I keep forgetting," Damon said, hopping out of bed. I smiled and watched him bring back a wrapped gift. He told me to follow him and then I get my present so I did, to Stefan's room. I didn't question it. I sat down on Stefan's bed, hearing the shower run. I now knew why we came here, Stefan's phone was ringing. Damon grabbed it and finally handed me my present.

 I took it into my hands happily and shook the medium sized boxed. "It won't rattle," Damon chuckled. I pouted and pulled off the card that was taped to it. "Read it, first," Damon said, answering the still ringing phone. "Hello, Elena," Damon greeted. I ripped open the envelope listening to Damon's side of the phone call.

"Well, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking," Damon said. I rolled my eyes. She was checking in on Stefan no doubt. I admired the front of the car that had a punch of red roses on it. Aw, it was so friggin' cute. "Oh, him? Oh he's--He's terrible... He's just back to boring, strait-laced, off the junk. You've successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality," Damon teased.

"Happy 16th Birthday! Today is a stepping stone and I want to be there for it. I want to be there to party with you when the times are good and be there in the morning when you regret some of your actions later. It's your special day so make sure it's memorable. Don't let anyone ruin today for you," the card read on the front. I rolled my eyes seeing seeing the small margarite glass Damon obviously drew. Well, the card was saying that I was going to do things I'd regret. Yeah, kiss Damon, tell off Bonnie, and etc.

"I hate myself," Damon smiled, still on the phone. "Hey, did your Uncle John mention anything to you about my field trip with the teacher?"

I opened it and read what was on the card and then looked to see what Damon actually wrote me. "I bought you one gift for your birthday. We haven't known each other long but quickly you've become one of the greatest people I've ever met. Today you've matured in many ways, more grown up like. And I want to continue to treat you like the little woman you are becoming. You're my best friend, my sidekick, and you have been there with me through literally everything since I've come into town," it read and I smiled.

"I don't know what he's up to but I'd love if you could find out for me," Damon was muttered into the phone when Stefan walked. I waved to Stefan who was drying his hair with a towel, obviously fresh out the shower. "Have fun with the Mystic queen. I know I did," Damon said, hanging up.

There was another paragraph. "I have done things that I have regretted. I have made million mistakes and you have many times payed for them. And I wanted to say I'm sorry. I apologize for how my actions have affected your life. I want you to know that I didn't mean any of them. I never intended to hurt you, but I know I have. And I'm wishing you a happy birthday, hoping that this year I won't screw up so much," I continued to read.

I smiled and closed the card, looking at Damon happily. Damon handed Stefan his phone and that sat down on the bed next to me as I put the card back in it's envelope. I then opened my present, ripping off the paper and then opened a white box to reveal a purple leather jacket! OMG! "Eek!" I screamed, looking at Damon. I hugged him tightly and then pulled away, grabbing my jacket and putting it on. "This is awesome," I beamed.

"Yeah it is. You're my sidekick. And we're a prett badass team so I thought you'd need a leather jacket to match mine," Damon shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yeah, about your birthday..." Stefan trailed off, going to his dresser.

"It's fine. I understand," I waved him off.

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