Journals and Grimoires

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Chapter 10

I woke up again to my phone ringing. Only difference was this time I wasn't alone and I was on top of Tyler. "Morning," Tyer yawned.

"Morning Ty," I smiled, running my hands through his hair.

"Are you going to get that?" Tyler asked, referring to my ringing phone.

"I guess so," I sighed, reaching for my phone that was on the nightstand. "Hello?" I answered as politely as I could.

"Get dressed, I'm on my way," Damon said.

"Um, what's going on? I have Tyler over."

"Ugh. Can you get rid of him?"

"Sorry I can't do that."

"Well, I'll fill you in over the phone. Stefan said he'll help me get Katherine and Elena's in too. Are you with me?" He asked.

"I'm in, always Damon, you know that."

"Just making sure. Anyways Elena's on journal duty. I'm running errands without you. I think I'll stop by Elena's later to check on them. I'll pick you up then for dinner," he said.

"Dinner?" I scoffed, getting off of Tyler and climbing off the bed.

"Yeah. I'll call you later."

"Okay," I replied, hanging up.

"So Damon?" Tyler asked and I nodded.

"Yup, but we're not talking about him," I said, walking to my closet.

"And why not?"

"Because it's pointless. Damon is a friend and nothing more."

"So you have no feelings for him, right?"

"Nothing romantic, at least," I answered.

"Then will go out with me tonight?" He asked.

"You just heard me make plans," I frowned.

"So cancel them."

"How about? You come with me. Maybe you just need to get to know Damon," I said and he shook his head.

"Don't say no. You're going. Pick me up at five and we'll head over there."

"Do I have to go?"

"No. I'm going to shower, get dressed, and we can head to your place so you can change and then we can spend the day out."

"Fine," he agreed, not moving from my bed. I smiled and grabbed some clothes, taking them into the bathroom with me.


I knocked on Elena's front door and Jeremy answered it. Oops. Forgot about Jeremy. "Hey Jeremy," I greeted sweetly.

"Hi Georgie, Tyler, come on in," Jeremy muttered, opening the door wide enough so we could step through.

"Who was that?" Elena asked.

"Your best friend," I sang and she rounded the corner, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank god you're here. Damon's being a nuissance as usual," she laughed and I joined in. She pulled away and greeted Tyler. I warned Damon in a text that he was coming and to be nice and I also called Elena to ask if he could come. Of course she agreed.

"Speaking of Stefan, Elena, where is he? He's missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely," Damon said. Elena led us into the kitchen where Damon was rambling.

"Shut up and stop lying," I told Damon. He turned around and grinned at me.

"Hey," Damon greeted, coming over to hug me.

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