chapter 2

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Hello! I just want to say that i will try my best to post as frequently as i can. I love you guys :*

(Jinyoung POV)

Jaebum came to me again today. Him with his stupid smile. Ugh how could someone be so bright. I was building lego when someone decided to push my tower.

"MY HARDWORK!" I cried .. again. "Why did you do this HanSung!"

He laughed at me. I was so mad so i pushed him. Maybe a little too hard. His head hitted the end of a table. I was in state of panic now. That must hurt a lot!

"I'm s-" then a loud cry ringing. A very loud one. Everyone attention shifted to our direction and their eyes accusing me. Two of the care takers come running toward us.

"Omg! HanSung are you alright?" One of them said worrily.
"How could you pushed your friend Jinyoung!" The other one scold me

I couldn't answer them so i stay silent. Holding back my tears. Its not my fault. Its him who is making ruckus first! Why does it always has to be me to blame. I did nothing wrong. I looked down.

"Jinyoung answer me! And you should say sorry too!"
"I was going to say sorry but he screamed! Its not even my fault to bsgin with" I raised my voice
"He screamed because he is in pain! You should know that! And how could this not be your fault? Explain."
"He come to me and pushed my lego tower i made that for 2 hours!"
"It's just a lego Jinyoung! This is your friend! And maybe he just wanted to re built it with you!"
"But!-"No but Jinyoung! Apologize!"

I can still hear Han Sung crying. I swear i still disagreed for this becoming my fault. With a heavy hard i said sorry.

(Jaebum POV)

I searched for Jinyoung, I haven't seen him today. I don't even know why I feel this attached to that boy. He's so mysterious! I would like to found out more about him.

Oh there he is


He looks startled .. a lot. He looks up and i found red eyes and nose.

"Did you cry again?" I ask in concern. "What happened?"

Jinyoung started to spill everything. He said that he is not the wrong one. Well he isn't.

"Anyway it will still always be my fault i'm used to it." He adds, voice hurt.
"You know you are not used to it if you still cry right?" I said getting Jinyoung staring at me with a lot of hatred. "No thats not what i meant! I mean you should not let this happen again. If you are not wrong then you should stand on your ground. Believe in yourself!"

Jinyoung look at me questioningly, I think he doesn't understand what i'm saying.

"My mother once told me that, she is an amazing woman. She-"
"Wait! You have a mother?
"I.. Had.."
"Oh.. i'm sorry.."
"It's alright.. anyway she told me to always siding the right one."
"You think i'm right?"
"Yes of course! I mean they always bully you. But it's alright starting from today i'll protect you!" I said with wide smile.

Jinyoung smiled too. It makes me happy. He's like a younger brother to me. I put my hands on both of his chubby cheek and give a little comforting pressure.

"Thats why you shouldn't cry for the things you are right"
"Thank you, hyung"

I hugged him tight. And since that day we become closer. I know a little bit more about him and his anxiety, his eyes. I found it beautiful though. Unusual. Exotic.

(Wait did an 8 years old kid even think this way lollll)

(Third POV)

Everyone is looking at Jinyoung in hatred. They thought he really did use spell on Jaebum, their new friend. Currently everytime they wanted to bully Jinyoung, Jaebum is always there and they were afraid to start the ruckus because, well, Jaebum is clearly the oldest kid here and his built is bigger than them.

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