chapter 10

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say tgat this fic is entirely written by me who has a very limited (like really i know nothing lol) knowledge about all the jobs and majors mentioned in the story. Therefore, if you are somehow related to those jobs or major please bear with the nonsense i wrote about. I will try to make it as real as possible but of course in the end it really held no fact at all so don't trust this fic if it mentioned any science related things LOL.

(Jinyoung POV)
I walked through an empty road. I kind of regretted not accepting Jaebeom hyung favor. Like I mean I can ask him to drop me somewhere near my apartment since my address is supposed to be a secret, especially when he's a criminology student! It's like surrendering yourself to the police. I know if he drove me home today he would want to drop me in front of my apartment which obviously my brothers wont be happy about it. Answering my brothers question is worse than walking alone so here I am.

I know as a man I was quite beautiful. My friends told me that. Well unexpected from the guy who used to get bullied right? I mean being more handsome.. and having friends. Having friends. Yes I nees to tell you that twice. I wonder if Jaebeom hyung actually notice my transformation though, he mentions nothing about my appearance except for that eyes which i hate so much.

I walked a few more meters when I can't help it anymore. There is someone following me from behind. I tried to ignore them. THEM there are 2 of them. But I feel uncomfortable now. I walked through a narrower and darker part of the road. I stopped walking while they keep walking toward me.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my left shoulder. I sighed.

"What do you want?" I said coldly, "I don't have any money and time so please just let me go."
"You know we were following you and yet you lead us to this place. Much to my likings" the guy smirked. He grab both side of my arms to pin me to the wall. The other guy was leaning to the other side of the wall watching.

"I can't believe that a guy like you exist. I was always attracted to girls but you are more beautiful than them. Those ass though." He licked his lips and trying to move his hands toward my peach (lol this is intended) but of course I slapped them away before it could make its way.

"Excuse me but don't touch me please. Its uncomfortable. And I'm actually make it easier for you guys to escape right now."
"You are the one who lead us here boy, now be cooperative and.."
"Do you know why I lead you here? Do you even know why I took this damned dead road?" I cutted his word.
"Because you wanted to get raped that badly?" The guy said in a mocking tone.
"Wrong answer," i smiled "it's because there is no cctv registered in this area."

His friend was quite shocked with what just happened. Well I mean I just stabbed his friend right in the heart. His unworthy blood is dripping, his friend of course trying to get away. But he is a witness. So yep. You know what happened to him too.

The perks of being this sinful since kid is that 1. I don't feel bad killing them, they're an asshole anyway 2. I mastered all the arts of killing without leaving any trace. Thanks to the endless hardcore training and all those experiences of almost getting caught by the police. Thanks to my boss though, he cleaned up the mess I and my brothers made all the time. I have to thanked him someday.

I cleaned up the trace from my shoes and from the road to erase footprint then walked out of the narrow hall and went home peacefully.

I stepped in and there is Youngjae waiting at the door.

"Hyung! You are so late! Look its 11 p.m already!"
"I'm sorry something comes up."

And thats when Youngjae saw blood stain on my shirt.

"Well who did you killed this time?"
"A rapist ? I guess? He tried to molest me and yea he pick the wrong prey. Poor him."
"Sigh, did you cleaned up?"
"Of course"
"Bam, i swear you should lower your volume a little bit" I said to him.
"You didn't forget what we have to do today right?" Youngjae asked again.
"Of course not! Let me change my clothes and get to work."

I changed my clothes as fast as I can because I know they are waiting for me. Just how many soul should be gone today because of me. Sigh.

I was peacefully doing my job when a notification on my phone being a bitch. I forgot to silent my phone and Bam and Youngjae just rolled their eyes on me. Thankfully those guards are in fact much more stupid than how they already look. But the second notification ringed again. I was frustrated! So I take it out to silent it. If today mission failed because of this damned phone I swear I will kill whoever sending me the message! I quickly turn off my phone without looking at the message.

(Jaebeom POV)

After that meeting with Jinyoung I feel so happy. Smile creeps up on my face. Oh gosh, I never been like this.

I openned the apartment door just to find Jackson in his suljy face. Yes we share an apartment but his life is just way more organized.

"You got home late Jaebeom!"
"Hyung" i added.
"You are only 2 months older than me!"
"And 22 days"
"I HATE YOU! Anyway have you eaten? No actually I don't care about you. Did Mark said something about me to you? He acts weird on chat."
"Fucking asshole. No he did not."
"You are not lying to me because of him being your best friend to right? Now tell me who's closer to you!"
"Jackson stop being a 5th grader!"
"But he did not answer me since 15 minutes ago!"
"Now I want to chop your head off!"
"I'm sulking"
"You don't have to say it out loud and tbh i don't care. I'm gling to my room."

I can't sleep thinking of Jinyoung when reality hits me so hard and I just remember my papers. Fuck. I have to finish it real soon. I started operating my laptop again and open my file. My eyes went wide on what I see. Is that Jinyoung's number?! Holy fuck! I squeeled a bit. Oh gosh i feel like a high schooler.

I was contemplating on sending him a message. It's 12 p.m now. I'm afraid I disturbed his sleep. But I have a feeling he hasn't sleep either. Guess how many times I delete the text from the text box? Yes 0, I didn't even start to write it yet. did you get it right?

(Oh gosh i feel bad for my reader haha xD sorry for the teasing)

I braven myself and send him a 'hi'. OMG WHAT DID I JUST DO?! Then I realize he didn't know my number so I send him another text '-Jaebeom'. He didn't answer the text. Well what did i expect. He might be sleeping by now.

(Ugh Jae you said no one sleeps at 12 nowadays 😩)

With that I slept and completely forget to continue my paper.

Leave comments jusseyoooo~ xD lol

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