epilogue I

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(Youngjae POV)

I got back home and found it is not homey anymore. There will be no more nag from Jinyoung-hyung. Stupid quarell because we're both hard headed. This is all my fault. I'm not supposed to make any hasty move. If i'm not this stupid hyung would not die. In my hand. Oh gosh, can i just kill myself. I cried. A lot.

Bam bam tried to comfort me but i know he's not feeling any better than i am. We're both broken and it's my fault.

Bam bam then found a letter. Wow, such a cliche way to say goodbye i thought to myself. I opened it and I started crying again. We both did. Next to it was letter for Jaebeom. Why did he had to love a damned police's staff. If he could just find another psychopath than it would be just fine.

This was the day of his funeral. Of course me and Bam Bam was mourning. There are few friends from college coming to comfort me and Bam, Jinyoung's few friends also come crying, and of course our somewhat group of murderers. Father also come and he didn't seem satisfied at all. He may be cold and doesn't care about human life but he did care about his son. That's why even though we were told to kill we have this somewhat family bonding. No matter how much we hate killing we wpuld never hate our non biological father.

Father asked us how could this happen. But we didn't say a word. Not after Jinyoung tell us not to involve his shitty crush in trouble even more.

I waited for that guy to come. But he didn't. I told him everything give him his letter. Apologize. But that doesn't seem to work for him. I know he was hurted a lot by the fact that Jinyoung sacrifice himself for him. It must be a shock. Everytime I replay that scene in my head. Oh, you never know how much i want to kill myself instead.

I love Jinyoung. We all love him. No matter how psychopathic and sadistic he is when it comes to work. But he never once hurt us.

The funeral was nearing end. Father come to us one last time. But we still didn't tell him the cause. We told him it's Jinyoung's request. So he gave up. He told us to continue the normal life and stop making Jinyoung's death our burden. Like hell I can do that.

Everyone has gone home. There are only me and Bam Bam left. We stopped crying. It felt like the tears wont come out even if we want to.

It took us another hour waiting if Jaebeom would come. But he didn't so we left.

It's been 2 months since the incident and there is no one filing our case. It's like the incident never happen. I don't know if it's good or bad. Because I still feel the guilt. I want someone to actually put me in jail for what i did. But Jinyoung said to stay alive and live normally. Follow my dreams and become successful. Make him proud.

We always visited Jinyoung's grave. Every month, but months become years.

It has been 5 years. It was time to visit Jinyoung-hyung again. I wanted to brag on how Bam Bam was on the cover of *****A magazine, how I succeed on my business.

When we got there, there was a fresh flower next to his grave. It was always the same flower every month. A  chrysanthemum. Jinyoung hyung's favorite.

(Jaebeom POV)

When Youngjae came in front of my apartment. Oh how much i want to kill him with my own hands. I don't mind getting into jail. I would hand myself in.

He came crying because of guilt and gave me a letter. He then say he is sorry and left. His other brother stayed though. He stay for a few more minutes. Not saying anything. It felt like he was going to say something but the words wont come out. He then give me address and time.

"Jinyoung-hyung, he ... he loved you so much" he said, then he left. There are no trace of them anymore. My vision went blurry and i can't believe i started crying.. again.

I closed the door and put the letter in front of me. Not wanting to open it. It felt like I would really lost him if i did.

I closed my eyes trying to make the negative thoughts disappear.

I come to the address written. I know what place that is. I just want to see him one last time. But i was running late. When I look at the time it was already 1 hour late. I don't even feel like moving. People from my station also contacted me on why i didn't come to the station today. They want some explaination regarding the incident but I refuse to talk. They cant reach me either.

I drive to the stated place. Bringing a flower. There are no one there. Of course everyone has gone home. Who would still be here at midnight. I put the flower next to his grave. Maybe I'm also not worthy to see him one last time. I failed to protect him anyway. But from now on i wont fail. Not anymore. Not after breaking every promise i made to him.

It's been a week since he is gone. I braven myself to read the letter. It gave me a purpose to live. And if its the least that I can do. I will do it. I wanted to protect him yet always failed. This time i wont.

I start my recovery after that. I get back to work. Everyone welcomed me back. They start the interogration not long after that. I told them what has to be told.

It was 5 years after the case has been closed. I never failed to visit him in the morning. Well i failed this time. I had my overtime yesterday. I am now the head chief anyway. I woke up late thus went there a little bit late.

As usual i put a chrysantemum next to him. When i turn my back i met his brother. Well this is what i get for waking up late. But its also time to stop hiding from them anyway. Its been long enough.

I walked towards his brothers

"I read the letter. Thankyou for letting me protect him one last time." I said with a smile

(Youngjae POV)

I saw him walk away. I look at the flower he brought.

It's a chrysanthemum. It's Jinyoung's favorite flower. Jinyoung said it means to help a friend in need. It was him after all. It was him all along. It was always him that give Jinyoung a will to live.


So that's it guys I will update the letters and also the alternate ending soon :D hope you're not bored with how the story goes. >.<

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