chapter 8

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By the way guys! I'm going to use Jaebeom from now on! Remind me xD

(Jaebeom POV)

I started writing my report for you know. My grade. Yea. Which by the way went free falling in the last semester. Of course.

I walked to the cafe i usually go. Well this cafe wasn't that crowded thats a plus point. The coffee is quite cheap. Lol forgive my poor ass. And the vibe is calming. I love this cafe and even the owner knows me well. He often gave me free desserts. Which is why i am a loyal customer. Sorry not sorry. Well besides he's a nice guy!

This is the only place I don't want Jackson to tell anyone. Because its Jackson! When Jackson says everyone do. That's how influental he is. I want to keep it quiet. I feel bad but, its alright to be a little selfish right?

I bought the usual coffee from the counter and brought it to my usual table. Today though i saw three unusual people, they are sitting quite far from me so I wouldn't be able to see their faces. Are they new customer? Well not that I mind. As long as they're not loud. Just as i thought of it, one of the started laughing. So loud. Oh my god. It gets even worse when the other followed the laughter.. while dabbing. Is that still trending ?! I thought dab died like 4 years ago!

I really want to shut them up but this is not my cafe. I wanted to cry, I need to finish my assignments to graduate.

Just then the owner ask them to tone down a little bit. I guess I had telepathy with the owner now. I looked at one of them which is the only silent one. He's facing behind so i couldn't see his face.

I type my almost 30.000 words report on the crime scenario. All those analysis. But I still feel something is lacking. Well, I can always do it tomorrow. No I shall not procastinate! But its due the next 2 months! I decided to go home.

(Jinyoung POV)

I saw him, I am sure its him 120%. Minus 70.. I mean .. I don't remember him being that handsome. Wait what is wrong with me. He's getting out of the cafe. No don't go. Wait Jinyoung please wake up!

Bb: "Yah! Hyung what are you thinking about you've been spacing out about 5 mins!"
Yj: hyung? You there.
Jy: oh! Yes yes I am. And no bam your over exagerating its not 5 mins!

I then glance at the door and he's gone. Damn!

Bb: sure hyung whatever you say.

Bam rolled his eyes in disbelief. I wanted to scold him so bad. Oh yea. This is the side story you wont be able to know or understand or relate but I am now tolerating everything Bam Bam and Youngjae did. Jeez I still hate them for being loud but yes I consider them as my brothers. I mean.. son. Yes I am their mom! No complaining!

Not long after that we went home too. We no longer live in the same roof with that man but we obviously taking orders from him. We rent this quite soacious apartment for 3 people and live happily. Not so happy. There is no him. But happy enough.

Yj: hyung, do you really has nothing to say?
Jy: what do you mean?
Yj: like anything?
Jy: no?
Yj: you said not to keep secrets!
Jy: well I didn't
Bb: you promised us to tell each others burden what is it? Did you feel guilty killing that one innocent witness?
Jy: yah! We had a deal not to talk about that again.
Bb: we also had a deal to tell one's problem.
Jy: it's not a problem bam.. you guys don't have to worry
Yj: fine. Just don't let it get into our works. Boss wouldn't want to get any failure report.

I get into my room. Closing the door. Throwing myself to the soft bed. I was wondering on when will I had the chance to actually meet him. I sink my face to the pillow. I should not be this happy. I'm supposed to hate him! Oh gosh! My heart is beating too fast. What if actually talk to him again.

Just wait for the right moment Jinyoung, you have to be patient.

Wait for me, Jaebeom-hyung.

Yey so here it is sorry to bring it to you where they still haven't meet do you hate me already ;) LOL 💕💕 Tell me if the story gets boring i will try my best to improve on the next chapter xD. Anyway i just watched infinity war yay :D

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