chapter 20

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This chapter would be longer than i usually write please don't get bored.

(Third POV)

Bam bam was trying to not bang his head to the nearest table when he heard Youngjae's home. Why did they come home now when the investigator almost gone. If they want to come, come sooner! That's what Bam Bam thought.

While on the other side Jaebeom is dead surprised. Jinyoung. His Jinyoung is here. Jaebeom was confused on why Jinyoung never let him, take him home. There must be something he's hiding Jaebeom thought. What if he is hiding the fact that he is a murderer. No, no matter how high the possibility of Jinyoung being the murderer, there is no way his pure Jinyoung did all this. Jaebeom was in a state of denial. He needs air. He was suffocating in that cozy apartment.

Jinyoung stood there. It's like time has froze. He wish he didn't go home. He wanted to say sorry. Start a new life. Peaceful one with Jaebeom. Even he go to his father place only to say that he will resign as an assassin since he wants to pursue his dream. Which is. Jaebeom. The three of them actually didn't want to kill they're just doing what their father said. It was somehow like a gratitude for what their father done, raising really unwanted kids.

The atmosphere is heavy. Even the ticking of the clock could be heard.

(Jaebeom POV)

I unconciously break the silence by a word of question.


I look at his face. White. Is he really that scared? But he has done nothing wrong... Right?

"Hyung! What are you doing here?"

"Oh i was just.. doing some inspection. It's nothing now i have to go back to the station so.. yea see you later."

I then walk through the door. Going back to the office to make report. But you know survival instinct. I just don't feel right. It's like their eyes are penetrating into my chest trying to find my heart then stab it right away. I closed the front door, not forgetting to stay polite.

My senior and I went back to the office. Since its late already there are only few who stays at the office. Which makes things more dreadful. I wish there wouldn't be anything wrong happening after this

(Jinyoung POV)

I was so scared. Did Jaebeom hyung found out about us? But what makes me even more scared is Youngjae. Oh gosh, this can't be happening.

"We have to kill him." Youngjae said voice stone cold.

"W-what! No! We could just end this peacefully telling all the things are just a coincidence!" I protest

"They are not that stupid Jinyoung! It's just you who is so blindly in love with who ever your hyung is!"

"But he will understand I can just explain it to him!"

"No he wont hyung! He saw your old phone that caught on the cctv."

And before I could open my mouth to defend Youngjae cutted me.

"REMEMBER HYUNG! it is us who stays with you within those years of your depression because he left you! And now you are going to give up on us!"

"But we've agreed not to kill anymore! We told father that! And he agrees to it too! Please Youngjae we can solve this without bloodshed"

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