chapter 3

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Before reading this i would like to say sorry for the cheesy language omg. I cringe a little LOL. But anyway i hope you enjoy the story and keep reading every updates!:D

(Jinyoung POV)

I woke up earlier than before. That's what i thought. Well... i overslept. I laughed at my silliness how could i wake up at 10 A.M. am I that lazy?! Well not really i guess? I slept so late last night waiting for this day. I scratched the back of my neck.

I get of my bed and start making my bed when my eyes caught a stalk of yellowish flower. I went to my desk and found a letter attached next to it.

I opened the letter.

Dear Jinyoungie,

I wish you the happiest birthday! You turned 7 now. Not that you will be older than me though! :p I stole the flower, well not really stealing, stealing is a no no! I just saw it on the floor falling so i pick it up from the nearby flower shop, lol. Anyway, it's a chrisantemum it has the meaning of supporting friends in need! And of course i will always protect my jinyoungie! You are like a little brother to me! :D but you know you should actually able to be strong to protect yourself too! And may be someday you will be protecting me ;) hehe. Nahh, i will always be the one protecting :p.

One last thing, my mom also told me to follow what your heart wants. Sometimes it will lead you to stupid decisions but you wont regret it. Unless if its really really bad! Don't do suicide! And drugs! And whatever bad things!

I love you Jinyoungie ~

I finished reading the letter well i don't understand some of it but, well eventually i will know right? I smell the chrisantemum, it smell great. I pour water in the micky mouse glass that i no longer use and put the stalk of flower there. Yoon ah-noona told me that flower will wither if you don't give them water.

I continue finishing my bed. It's all clean now. I got out of my room to breathe some fresh air. I come searching for Jaebum-hyung but he's no where to be found. Wait, right i skipped school because of that lateness.

The care taker come scolding me because literally, as what they said, i look like dead person this morning. They have yelled at me yet i still don't wake up. So for repenting my sin i helped them fixing the garden.

I plant some new flower seeds and also water the small garden we have at the yard.

It's almost 2 P.M. Jaebum-hyung must be back by now. I waited at the front gate. Some of the kid are back but i don't see Jaebum-hyung anywhere. It was also when i spot Han Sung and his gang coming to me. I take a few stepped back. A little bit afraid. They start pulling my hair.

"HA! Now you won't be seeing your hyung like forever!"

The other kid also mocked me. I got confused so i screamed at them. I remembered Jaebum-hyung said to be able to stand for the right things.

"No! You can't do this to me! This is not right! Stop this! And also stop talking non sense ! Jaebum-hyung promised me that he will always protect me! Just wait until he come!"

"You are being delusional! He won't come. He's not even here anymore!" Wonshik said.

"What do you mean he's not here?! He promised to never leave me."

"Well.. then maybe he is just a liar." They mocked at Jaebum-hyung followed by laughter.

"He Is Not A Liar!" I slightly pushed them. "I will prove you wrong!" I get in to the orphanage. Jaebum-hyung wouldn't lie! He said to do all the right things! I stomped my feet. One of the care taker looked at my pouty face come and ask my condition.

"Jinyoung, what happened?" Hyejin-noona pat my head.

"Noona, they said Jaebum-hyung is not here anymore."

"Wait Jinyoung, you didn't know? Your hyung has found his new family."

At that moment i feel my world crumbling. I got dizzy. My world is spinning and my vission is unfocused. I can hear my heart shutter. He is the one who made the promise.

"What.. how?"

"Well you see.. he got adopted today. So he packed his stuff this morning and go with his new family"

(Third POV)
"Jaebum meet your new family" Mrs. Jung said with a kind smile.

Jaebum got really shocked. What just happened? Did he got adopted he talks to him self.

"These are Mr and Mrs Im, they will adopt you today. You should be happy Jaebum." Adds Mrs Jung.

How is he supposed to be happy if he's going to leave Jinyoung. Jaebum's worried if he will get bullied again. But he is also afraid to tell Jinyoung. Not on his birthday and how do you even say it. I'm sorry i can't keep my promise?! No one will but that words!

"Hello Jaebum, you see i was verdicted by the doctor for not able to bear a child and we found out this orphanage" Mrs. Im get down on her knees to be on my eye level. "It was a coincidence that i saw your background and i saw your mother's name. She is a great woman. My best friend. And we know we wouldn't be able to replace your parents place. But we will try our best to raise you okay?" She ended her long speech with a soft smile.

How could Jaebum reject her. He don't have the heart to. And even he did have it what power did he had to reject the offer they have signed all the documents which by the way looks really complicated. So he just nodded.

He was contemplating on saying goodbye to Jinyoung or not. But he chooses not to.

Wrong decission. Very wrong one indeed.

(End of flashback)
(Jinyoung POV)

I hurriedly go into my room. I cried a lot that night. The care takers was calling me out for my birthday dinner special but i turned them down saying i'm not feeling good.

I read the letter over and over again.

"I thought you said to always protect me. I thought you say you promise not to leave me." Tears run down my face. I can't atop it from flowing. Not that i want it to stop anyway. The pain makes me feel alive.

I saw the flower that i put inside the glass this morning. It's withered now. I just remember what Yoona-noona said about not giving too much water to the plant. No matter how much flower needs water, if you gave too much it will wither, she said.

The flower looked ugly now. It was a beautiful flower before. Ah, it really is my fault to put in too much water.

"Maybe promises were like flowers. It was beautiful at first but it will wither as the time goes. Even worse if you put too much believe in it, it will wither faster. It hurts."

OUCH ! I'm so sorry for the little angst. Oh just wanted to say that i'm not into self harm that much. I don't mean to offend anyone. *peace* but you wouldn't be seeing it in any chapters. But yes things will get a little bit mature on the next chapters. Again i hope you enjoy the stories! :D leave some comments and let me know what you think about the story ;) love you guys 💕

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