chapter 12

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(Third POV)

Jaebeom just got home from his shift when he opened his phone. He got some messages from Jinyoung saying he's sorry to not reply yesterday. Jaebeom replied a simple 'it's okay' it really is though I mean who would stay awake at that hour right? Well maybe Jaebeom did.

Jaebeom continued writing his paper since the deadline is coming sooner when he heard his phone ringing. He never be as quick to check his phone. He was hoping for Jinyoung. But then it's Jackson. He sighed.

Jackson live with him in the same roof and now Jaebeom is complaining because Jackson could just knock on his door to ask for the favour. He really just got Jaebeom's hope up. What a great freind. Jaebeom got mad on the chat and here is Jackson in front of his room.

Js: "So what makes you upset jae?"
Jb: "You are annoying! Why did you text me! You could have bring yourself here!"
Js: "Oh you are waiting for someone to text you?"
Jb: "No!"
Js: "Is it someone from the cafe?"
Jb: "How did you know?! the hell jacks?"
Js: "Well there is Mark there is information"
Jb: "Damn that guy can't keep my secret sealed!"
Js: "Yah! Don't bad mouth him! You know he never reveal your phone number to customers who wants to get in your pants!"
Jb: "But he told you"
Js: "Yes exactly he told me. Thats great. Its fine because its me."
Jb: "Biased."
Js: "Whatever. So who is the lucky girl? Hyuna will be mad about this. Hmm juicy gossip!"
Jb: "Sometimes I want to stab you Jacks, but that would be too much trouble to bear only for your existance"
Js: "You are so mean!"
Jb: "First, Hyuna doesn't feel that way about me and she's not my type at all. Second, its not about someone I like in the first place."
Js: "liar. Well whatever. Just please lend me your hard drive I need to move some of my files"

Jaebeom rolled his eyes and get back to his phone. Surprisingly Jinyoung had replied while he had this meaningless quarell with Jackson.

(Jinyoung POV)

I just finished taking a bath when I saw the notification. Youngjae was sitting on our shared dining table. Grumpily eating.

Jy: yah! Youngjae stop being a kid!
Yj: we almost die because of your stupid fan club! Now tell me who text you?!
Bb: hyung why don't you turn off the notification, you always did that.
Jy: it's a new number
Yj: if we get caught because of this jinyoung-ssi!
Jy: its just a notification... no one will pay attention to that
Bb: actually I would. I mean it rings louder than our foot steps!
Jy: Bam stop making it worse
Bb: I mean it could be a clue
Jy: they don't even know the sender or receiver
Bb: youngjae hyung finished hacking the cctv. And look your phone heads up! Istg if they could read what ever on there we're doomed.
Jy: fuck. They can't zoom in it right? I mean it would be pixelized.
Yj: i don't know speak for yourself clumsy head. Literally its only you who is not inside the blindspot of the cctv smart ass. Gratefully its only a small part of you.
Jy: sighhh fine i'm sorry. I'm stupid.
Bm: well if we got exposed we can just say oh that attack was a one man show.
Yj: yea lets just pretend that we didn't know our brother was psychotic whom kills people in the dark
Jy: are you guys really going to sell me?!
Bm: i told you its if we got exposed. I mean not we. You.
Jy: ugh whatever. I'm going to sleep!
Yj: stop wasting time on your newly found lover
Bm: more like, don't let her disturb your work. No i'm wrong again pur work!
Jy: yea yea i get it.
Bm: lets just hope for the best that those stupid police whatsoever didn't recognize that small part that is showing up. Ugh I'm out.

I rolled my eyes as i shut my door. Its not a her idiot! I replied to his messages and we have quite a long chat. It's 2 A.M when we realized we have been chatting for 4 hours! Never know time could fly this fast. He end up telling me to sleep and to take care of myself. I didn't even know why am I so happy talking to him. He betrayed my trust. Logically speaking we aren't supposed to have this kind feelings when we're 6 right?! I mean what does my younger self used to thinks?! Wait, what feelings again?!

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