Chapter 19

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(Jaebeom POV)

It's been a hard day for me but of course I shall not put personal life events to work. I come to the office to know what my senior is demanding.

I arrived 15 minutes earlier. I can't believe that my senior is here already. He gave me stack of documents which were highlighted.

All the evidence were found on the same address. A*** street xx apartment no. 106. Even there is a call to the home number exactly a day before every murder. We were now looking for the caller id. And it differs but the callers are all connected to the victims.

"So it really is an assassination?"

"I guess so" my senior answered.

We do further research on the address. It was under the name of Han Jungyeon (lol idk what name) we searched for the name and found out there are many buildings under his name.

"I think we should search more things inside the house" i said

"We shall not be hasty though, if they are really the killer they can kill us right away."

"I don't think so, if they kill us right after we searched for their house then all the suspicion will be on them."

"You are right..."

We took a drive for 30 minutes and i just realize that the apartment is near Jinyoung's. I mean I have only dropped him off until this street and never know where he lives.

Before we got into the said room we were asking the neighboors. And in room 105 there is this ahjumma who seem nice.

She said that the next room was occupied by 3 college boys. Which really nice and polite that she often share home made food with them. She also said that the boys rarely went at night time.

By that comments we were thinking that maybe the address was a distraction made by the killer. My senior and I end up going to the siad room. There is someone shouting from inside. And the door soon opened.

"Um? May i help you?"

"Yes, actually we're from the police trying to gather some data."

"Oh, come in." The small framed guy lead us to sit on the sofa.

(Bambam POV)

Shit.  This must be because we leave too many mistakes on our past few murders. Fuck fuck fuck i should calm down. Why am I the one at home currently! Omg where is jinyoung and youngjae hyung when i needed them!

"Do you guys want some drink?"

"No thank you we will just ask few questions."

"Right" i sat down on the sofa in front of them.

"Whats your name?"

"Bam Bam."

Just at that moment latte starts meowing. I think he's hungry.

"If you will excuse me for a while, i think my cat is hungry."

"Yes of course would you let us explore the house?"

"Oh yes, of course with my escort, since my brothers doesn't really like their stuff getting untidy.

The police smiled at me. I am fucked. I take latte and pour some cat food on his plate to make him shut up. Oh goshh why did jinyoung and youngjae hyung had to meet father today. Why am i left behind. Oh god. As much as i hate meeting father I hated being intrograted alone even more!

"Is that cat sphinx?"

"Oh you know about cat breeds? Yes my cat is cat sphinx." I smiled at them.

I pray so hyungs could go back fast!

(Jaebeom POV)

The fact that he owns cat sphix makes the suspicion grow bigger. We were now touring the house. There's nothing such as weapon here. Except that one legal hand gun. I go into each room then to the last bed room on the corner of the house.

The apartment was like a suite. There are 3 bedrooms and one toilet some ordinary furniture but cozy. The whole building itself is quite big for 12 rooms. Now i know why. The whole bulding was owned by Mr Han. The room 106 is the last room on first floor.

"That's my oldest brother's room and yea it might not as manly as it could be.."  Bam bam said while opening the door.

I found nothing suspicious. Well there is a lot of kakao friends Apeach plushies. But nothing weird. Then something hits me. Wait... the phone sticker was this character. I open a few drawers. Look on some useless papers. Then i found it. The exact same phone as the one in CCTV. No wonder we can't find this phone on every store. Because they never sold it. They keep it.

I saw Bam Bam starts sweating like he knows something about the phone.

We explore some more places. But really nothing weird. But the fact that the exact same phone is there.. me and my senior stating to suspect this family.

"Is there anything more you need to see?" Bam bam asked.

"No, we've finished touring the house so can we have some talk?"

Its been 2 hours since we come here and his brothers still hasn't come home. Are they the one who did the killing. But no all the murder happen in night time.

"Where are your brothers?"

"They are visiting our parents"

"You didn't join them?"

"Someone needs to be at home. Just in case someone came like today."

Thats weird. I mean they could just lock the door and people would understand that they're not home.

We need some more further investigation to make. I was bidding goodbye and giving gratitudes for the time we take. Since its quite long. Then there is a sound of door opening from behind

There is .. a back door.

(Bam bam POV)

I was escorting these men to the front door when hyungs just had to go home by now opening the back door. Oh god. I hope they didn't hear that. No they absolutely heard that. They stopped and look back at the source of the sound. Now we are really fucked. We are going straight to jail. My life is done. I will never be a model. Why would I go to modelling school. I feel like crying.

(Jaebeom POV)

We waited for a while to know who's coming through the back door.

"Bam, we're back" a not so familiar voice was heard.

Then I feel my blood stop circulating, its hard to breath. I bet my eyes enlarged. So do his.

I wish I didn't wait any longer. I wish i didn't have to see this. I wish i didn't have to know that he is here.


WOOOO almost thereeeeee

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