Jinyoung's Letters

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To Youngjae and Bam Bam

You guys are my precious brothers. The first real family I ever got. Well you see you wont be seeing this letter if nothing is wrong happen to me. Well we never know i might have get injured later ... well.. i mean as long as i'm okay i'm not letting you guys read this letter its embarassing.

I love you guys so much. Please don't hate Jaebeom he has done nothing wrong. After I stop you from killing him today, don't ever think of killing him again! I swear he's not the one on fault.

Also, after this we will have nice life since father had agreed on letting us doing whatever we want. We don't have to repay him anymore. I finally can go on being a real forensic yay! And Youngjae make up your mind on what you want to be. You can't kill people forever jeez. Bamiee keep your heads up. You will be the best model out there.

I hope after this we would have a normal nice life. With normal struggle. I hope you wont tell father either about the mess we did. He would be so mad. And we don't want to burden him to clear our names again right.

One last time i'll say this because i will not say it again after this. I love you guys. I am grateful to have ypu guys by my side. Sorry for being a bad brother. I am the eldest yet I am the one making wrong moves everytime.

I love you all.


Your not best hyung :D

To Jaebeom Hyung.

Hey hyung,

Let me tell you everything that happen. I was the one behind all of those case. Even from the two guys found dead that night on an unknown street. You must have seen me everywhere on cctv nearest to the incident place. Thats because i did all that. My brothers though. They have nothing to do with this. I just wanted to tell you even if they trying to kill you they never meant it. They only wanted to protect me. Please don't put them to jail because I am a sole murderer. They don't have anything to do with all of these crimes. This is my confession. Of course the next time we meet we'll be separated by barriers sighh.. i wish i could atone my sins. But guess thats not that easy.

Anyway hyung thankyou for all of the memories we made. Even after you left me, I always hope we could meet again. I always thought its never your choice to leave me. I wish I could spend more time with you. I love you hyung.

I love you not as a brother. I wanted to be more that that. But i guess that wont happen since we're like two worlds apart. Upside down. I guess will never be a thing. Well not that i want us to be either. Sorry for rejecting you that day. I really don't know what to say. I love you yet our works contradict each other.

After this you have to arrest me. This is one last request from me. Please don't take on my brothers for they had done nothing. You promised to protect me and thats the only way to do that.

Also one last thing hyung. You have to follow what your heart wants and believe in yourself. This is what i want. What ever the decision i made even though it might hurt myself or the people around me. I will still do it anyway. Thats what you used to tell me, to stay on my ground and believe in myself. I bet whatever i did was for the best for all of us.

I love you Jaebeom - hyung. Goodbye. :)


Truly yours.. Jinyoung💕

So here is jinyoung's letter guys... do you get the connection?? Brb crying lol i am so lame laugh at my own jokes cry on my own story :") i love you all

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