chapter 11

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(Jaebeom POV)

I'm having my shift every weekday except Wednesday. And guess what day is today? It's Monday. Ugh, did I get your hope up? Lol sorry. I never hated my job before but I do now. I mean clearly it's not like I'll meet Jinyoung on the cafe everyday either. But a man can hope. Wait what am I thinking again? I should really stop thinking about him.

"Yah! Im Jaebeom!"
"Your shift starts at 2 P.M!"
"I know Jack!"
"Yea if you know you would want to go now."

I saw the clock and shit man it's 1.45 ! Did I daydream for that long?! I thanked Jackson and rushed to the office. Yes I have a part time job on the local police station as an assistant of the criminologist there. After graduating I will work here, maybe still as an assistant but you know full time means more money.

I got there just in time. Sigh. It's quite a chaos today. I saw my collegues, I mean seniors, sorry for being delusional, running here and there.

"Is there anything I can help?"
"Oh Jaebeom-ah! Yes please come here and I need you to search for the murderer."

Apperently there are murder scenes happened yesterday in our region. What the hell. I sat on my usual chair. My seniors told me to see all the footage nearby the accident area. One is somewhere near XX road and the other one is in the funding minister house. What the fuck.

I watched the cctv around the area. How the hell does this happen? The cctv shows nothing. Like literally no one is there in that area. Is this somekind of ghost killing? No Jaebeom there's nothing like that existing in this world.

No wonder the office was in chaos. We really have no clue on who murdered those people. What kind of sorcery does the killer perform to did such clean murder. There is no trace at all. Half of the company went to the place to search for anything and they haven't report anything until now.

I checked on the victim's background and what shocking was that the two guys who died at XX road was a former criminal. He was inprisoned for the case of sexual harrasment and rape and just got out last week. I then check the funding minister background. I found nothing related to the other two victims so the killer must be a different person.

The forensic team was doing their job on checking the victim's blood. I hope that could at least give a little clue on the murderer.

I never know this would be this hard. My criminologist senior is doing all the analysis and I read his report. He told me to give feed back if his report actually make sense. I never know how could someone be this smart on doing speculation. I re-read his report for the third time and I still felt like the description didn't match the muderer. But I can't make up a single assumption on why this report is wrong. Its just me and my hunch. Damn. I suck at this job.

(Jinyoung POV)

I woke up in the morning. Opening my apartment window, Breathing some healthy air. Sighh. I took a bath and realize I have a cut on my right arm. Thanks to Youngjae being reckless. He accidentally cutted my arm. That kid I swear. I turned on my phone and look at the many notifications I got. Mostly from my college mates and some random girls... and guys, I think they are my juniors. Too many unknown numbers. I already turn off their notifications so it didn't rang so I'm searching for the new number, which almost kill me yesterday. I scrolled down opening it one bt one.

Did they really think I would want to go on a date with someone who I don't even know? Jeez they don't even know me either. I don't even know where they got my number! Gosh! Did they forces Yugyeom to give them my number?!

Then my eyes stopped at this particular text. It was also an unknown number. But it was not just and unknown number. It was Jaebeom hyung's ! OMG!

I squeeled a little bit too loud thus, Youngjae coming to my room, banging the door.

"WHAT HAPPENED! DID SOMEONE FIGURED OUT ITS YOU WHO.." then he stopped. "What the hell are you doing hyung?" He asked me with judging look.

I mean I cannot even complained with the position I'm in, face red, knees to my chest holding my pillow to cover half of my face while holding my phone tight. If I'm in Youngjae's place I will judge myself too.

"W-why don't you go to college?!" Damn my voice cracked a bit.

"Today is national holiday if you want to know."

"Well. Still go away! Stay away from my room! Go play with Bam Bam!"

"There's Yugyeom down stairs. They started playing video games so I'm left out"

"Why don't you join them?!"

"Why would I be in between them?!"

Yugyeom is my junior in my college. He's a brilliant kid he advanced a year so he is in college right now. He's supposed to be in the last year of highschool like Bam but yea smart people problem. They're best friend though. I once helped him from trouble. Since then he started following me telling me that he will repay my kindness for not getting him caught by the teacher of doing illegal smoking around the campus area. I swear this kid.

I once invite him home since somehow I am becoming this angelic human and he was having trouble with his apartment mate. That's when he met Bam Bam. It's like how enzymes work. They just fit each other the moment they met. Not that I'm complaining but I thought Yugyeom is my friend! Not Bam's. Well whatever.

I still can't believe that Jaebeom hyung texted me. I don't know how to reply. Would it be weird if I reply now. Ugh! Should I just met him in the cafe? Well its not like he's there everyday. A man can hope.

I walked to the cafe and he's not there. What do I expect. Just then the familiar guy who always talk to Jaebeom somehow opened the glass door and escort me inside.

"He's not here today, pretty boy."

"What do you mean?" I am a little bit uncomfortable with his word but okay.

"Who else." He rolled his eyes. HE JUST ROLLED HIS EYES ... ON ME! Did he have a death wish?!

"I really don't know."

"How dense can you be. Obviously I'm talking about Jaebeom."

"O-oh .. right.."

"Do you need his number. He would kill me if I tell anyone." He talked again but with a softer voice. "There are many people who wants his number some even bribe me lol." Then he returned to his normal voice "but i think its alright if its you"

"O-oh.. its not that.. ummm... it's alright."

"I'm Mark by the way"

"I'm Jinyoung."

"Well he will be here on week end and Wednesday. He works on the other days."


"I'll let him know that you came."

"No! No don't. I didn't come here just to meet him!"

He raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"I wanted to buy coffee!" I added.


(Mark POV)

What a funny guy. No wonder Jaebeom likes him. Well its not like he told me but I am 100% sure Jaebeom is interested in him thought. Well lets just see what will he do about this especially when there is Hyuna. Sigh

Yey! Updates! I really don't know what character to add >.<! Hope you like the story! 💕

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