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I woke up to the light pouring through the curtains, spilling out onto my face. Though the sun was warm on my cheeks, I was still cold.

Probably because I didn't have a blanket anymore. Or a mattress. Or pillows. The curtain hanging over my window was a bedsheet, and it only went halfway down. I've had to sell everything. I was 4 payments late on my rent, and after selling everything, it's still 4. All I've kept in terms of cash is about $50 for food.
I live in a tiny apartment that's about the size of a walk-in closet. The bathrooms and showers are on the bottom floor of the complex I lived in.
My room phone buzzed. Lazily, I reach over to pick it up, pulling a muscle in the process.
"Fuck-! H-Hello?"
"Er... Good morning, Ms. (l/n). We've been looking over your last payment, and you've only payed $107 of $400 for these last few slip ups. We're very sorry, but we need to give the room to someone who can pay for it. You have until 4:00 this afternoon to leave the apartments. Good day."
I drop the phone. Great. Just what I needed. I have nothing. I've got about 50 bucks to my name, and now I'll be homeless, too? How lovely.

If I had bags, I would have packed them. But I had none. So, I literally just stood up and walked out of my room, hopped down the stairs, and out the glass doors at the front of the building. I guess I'll be going to Sophie's place.

It was quite the walk, and I barely made it. I slumped my back against the brick and knocked on the door with my left hand. No response.
I knocked again, and the door swung open to reveal wild eyes and crazy hair.
"(Y/N, what're you doing here?" She said, wrapping me in a hug.
"Got kicked out of my apartment." I shrugged.
"Again?" She asked.
She smiled sympathetically, standing to the side, letting me walk past her and into her home.

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now