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I'm waiting in the crowd and everybody stopped screaming a while ago. Where is he? I thought to myself. I was starting to worry. And just as I went to text him, he comes bounding onstage, apologizing into the mic. The band members all roll their eyes and they start to play.
"Thank you guys, we've been Bastille!"
They walk off the side of the stage and Dan does his signature final water bottle wave before disappearing behind the curtains.

The guys all hop into the backseat of the rental car and I hop up front. Dan puts his hand on my thigh and leans in to give me a kiss.
"AAAAAAAAW!!!" The three men in the back shout.
"Oh shut up guys." Dan chuckled.
"Man, I thought you've been gay all this time." Kyle beamed.
Dan rolled his eyes and laughed.
"No but I'm sure you wish I was!"
A bunch of 'OOOOH's erupt around the vehicle and Kyle sits between Will and Woody with his arms crossed.

We get to the flat and we all pile out, Dan leading the way to the house.
Dan pulls the boys to the side as I walk up to the door. I wonder what he's telling them...? Kyle seems really excited though. So it must be bad.

Dan unlocks the door and he turns back to the boys.
"Remember. Be quiet. She has to find it on her own."
"Yeah." "Got it." "Get on with it you twat."
"Uhhh, guys? What's going on...?" I ask, obviously terrified.
"A surprise." Dan smiles. "After you," He says, standing to the side, letting me in first. He comes in after me and then the three weirdos come after.
That's when I spot the dish.
"Dan, you've got a pet?" I ask.
"Mmm, sort of. Something like that." He says, following me. Will, Kyle and Woody are all following him, their hands scrunched up towards their faces, huge grins etched over them.
What the hell is going on?
"You uh... you got a sitter for it or something? The food dish is full." I ask, a little weirded out.
"Kind of." He says, starting to smile.
I'm officially creeped out.
I wander down the hall, looking at all the vinyls. There must be at least 30 just on the hallway walls. They're each in their own glass case hanging up.

I get to the end of the hall and there are four doors. I decide to go with the first one on the left.
I walk in and it's a bedroom. It's full of weird shit like figurines and empty red bull cans and weird spray paint all over the walls. There's also a small cardboard box with a nail straight through the middle, sticking it to the wall.
"This ones mine." Will says.
What the fuck
I turn to the right. I don't even had to open the door. I know who's room this is. It has a poster of a cat wearing a tie-dye shirt with a peace sign on it, and it's also wearing John Lennon sunglasses.
"Yay my bat cave!" Kyle whispers happily. I roll my eyes.
The last one one the left was Woodys room. It had a tv and a bunch of movies and a bed. Guess he's the only normal person here.

I get to the last door, guessing it's Dans. I look at him and he nods with a smile. Kyle nods furiously and the other two just grin.
I open the door and step in, looking around.
Nice bed. Tv on the wall. Lots of movies. A shelf of CDs. A record player. A stack of vinyl.
And then I hear the squeak. I look around. I don't see anything.
Dans giggles and walks over to the bed, kneeling down and reaching underneath.
And he pulls out the kitten from the airport. I squeal and walk towards Dan, holding my hands out to hold it.
"Can I hold him??"
Dan smiles.
"You don't have to ask me, baby. He's yours." He plops the kitten into my hands and I hug it to my chest, my eyes watering. I hold the kitten to my chest with one hand while using the other to hug Dan.
I can hear them 'aaawww'ing in the doorway.
I look at his collar to see his tag.
"Kyle?" I read.
Dan nods. "Kyle was the one to find him. It only seems fair."
I can hear Kyle gasp behind me.
I didn't even notice he came in, or even that he was standing looking over my shoulder.
"Can I?" He asks, his voice high and quiet.
I hand Kyle to... Kyle.
He hugs the little animal and gives him back.
"I'm an UNCLE!" He breathes, turning and leaving.
I hear a door shut.
He must have gone to his room to geek out.
"We're all uncles!" Will says, highfiving Woody. They, too, depart to their rooms. Leaving me and Dan by ourselves.
We laid down in the bed together.
"Dan...?" I whispered.
"Yeah...?" He smiled.
I touched his face.
"Thank you."
"No need to thank me. You deserved him.

We both quickly fell asleep in bed together, with a little ball of love and fur between us.

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now