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"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I mutter to myself as I pace around the bathroom. I sit on the floor with my back against the door and I let out a sigh.
'Come on you stupid fucking piece of plastic.' I thought.

What if Dan leaves me? What if he doesn't want a baby? What if he walks away? What if I never see him again?
I look down at the test and I watch the line appear. Positive.
I start to cry. He's going to leave me.

After about an hour and a half, I gather up the tiniest bit of courage to stand and open the door.
I watch Dan push himself off the ground. We were both sitting with our backs to the door.
He stands in front of me, backing a foot away.
I can feel him staring at me. I can't bear to look at him.
"(Y/N)...?" Dan whispers.
I finally look up and tears well up again in my eyes.
He steps forward cautiously, concern on his face.
"... Dan, I'm-..." my voice cracks. I take a deep breath, and so does he.
"...I'm pregnant."

A silence falls between us. He continues to look at me.
His eyes start to water and his lip trembles.
"R-Really...? You're—We're pregnant...?" His voice cracks into a sob as the tears start to flow. He covers his mouth and he sniffles loudly.
I look away from him. He's upset.

He suddenly grabs me and kisses me hard, and then leaves soft kisses all over my face rapidly. As he does this, his sobs grow louder and mine do as well.
He drops down to his knees and wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my hip.
"Oh my god.." I hear him whisper.
"What?" I ask. Why is he not angry?
He stands up excitedly, wiping an eye.
"You wait right there!" He says, and runs out of the room.
I stand there alone, confused and sobbing, with this little piece of plastic in my hands.
Dan comes back with Kyle, Will and Woody and they're all grinning ear to ear and, Kyle is even crying.
"Guys, it's happening." Dan says, walking over to me and putting an arm around my shoulders. "I'm going to be a dad!"
They all cheer, and I stand there silently, wiping the tears away from my eyes.
"You're not-... You're not mad?" I ask him.
"Why would I be angry, (Y/N)...?" He says, putting a finger under my chin and kissing me softly.
"(Y/N), I never thought I'd say this, but," he paused, looking at the guys who stood in he doorway.
"You nearly falling down a flight of steps and dying that day was the second best thing that's ever happened to me in my life." He laughed.  So did I.
"Only second best?" I smirked.
"Well." He says, kneeling down and rubbing his nose on my belly.
"You stoke my heart, but this little one..." he points to my belly.
"Is gonna steal the rest of my life. So I better get on his good side while I can."
Everyone laughs.
"Who says it's gonna be a 'he'?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Fine. Or a She." He stands and kisses my cheek.
"Or They!" Kyle pipes up from the doorway.
"NO!" Me and Dan shout at the same time. We look at each other and laugh hysterically.

"I love you, Dan." I whisper, curling up against him. I'm already almost completely asleep as I did.
I feel Dans finger trail down my arm and back up.
"I love you, Mrs. Smith." I hear him coo.
"Goodnight my little one."

Falling in Love With Dan SmithWhere stories live. Discover now